Oleksandr Bozhko
Leading actor (4) Supporting Actor (18)
Osvіta: Zakіnchiv Kiivsykiy Nacіonalyniy unіversitet іmenі І. Karpenka-Karoho u 2016 rocі.Fakulytet: teatralynoho mistectva. Specіalynіsty: aktor teatru і kіno.
Education: Graduated from Kyiv National Karpenko-Kary University in 2016.Faculty: Theater Arts. Specialty: actor of theater and cinema. Roles in educational theater: Filofey, Father and Chado in the musical Gius (dir. I.Lanovenko), clerk Fyodor and father in commemorative prayer (dir. O.Savarsky), Peter in Buna (dir. D. Petrosyan). Professional skills: Work on the role, on the image of the character on stage and in the frame, I sing (lyric. Baritone), 7 years I was engaged in karate (stunt training), playing acoustic guitar, category B rights (experience 7 years). Awards: winner " Karaoke on the Maidan "on 08/13/2017 (Issue 968).
Experience in serials and films: Short meter " The Way Home (Directed by Nikita PANISOV), Duty Doctor 4 (Series 21, Role - Igor), "Get Out Without a Call" (Series 5, Role - Driver "Driver"), "Doctor Kovalchuk 2" (Series 3 - Gleb), "Gareth Jones" (director: Agnieszka Holland, role - journalist - episodes, as well as the lead actor during the whole shooting period - James Norton), series "D My vochky "(Bandit 2) episode," Capture "2019 (main role - Rodion Gordienko), the film" Mother of Apostles "2019 (director - Zaza Buadze, role - Vladimir)," Sniffer 4 "(linear secondary role - Maxim).
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