Executive ProducerDirector (1)Producer (2)Screenwriter (3)Second Director (1)
37 years (27 december 1987)
Latest project Weaving Way (2020)The nightingale sings (2019)The heritage of the nation (2016)
31 years (21 february 1993)
Latest project Here by Herself (2019)
41 years (15 january 1983)
Latest project My Father (2019)No obvious signs (2017)
Director (10)Screenwriter (12)Director of photography (DOP) (3)Producer (1)
Latest project U Are the Universe (2024)Those Who Stayed (2023)Where is the money (2021)Cossacks. Absolutely false story (2020)Sidorenky-Sidoorenki. Relationship repair (2020)Sex, Insta and ZNO (2020)Frostbitten (2019)Mia Donna (2018)Graduation '97 (2017)Yod (2016)Golden love (2016)
Leading actress (10)Supporting Actress (19)
24 years (26 december 2000)
Latest project Ditina z harantіieyu (2021)The Slavs (2021)Fair play (2021)The doctor's oath (2021)Іhri dіtey starshoho vіku (2021)A second chance at first love (2020)Family portrait (2020)Daughters (2020)After winter (2020)The Gendelyk (2019)Date at 20:15 (2019)
Leading actor (1)Supporting Actor (12)
38 years (27 june 1986)
Latest project Provіncіal (2021)Dіlynichniy z DVRZ 3 (2021)Toptun (2021)The newcomer (2020)My grandfather is Santa Claus (2020)Abdication (2020)The Intern (2020)How long have I been waiting for you (2019)Ambulance (2018)Defektyvy (2017)True mystery (2015)
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