Svetlana Bevz
Leading actress (2) Supporting Actress (61)
1981-1985 navchannya v Kiivsykomu Derghavnomu uchilischі estradno-cirkovoho mistectva, rozmovniy ghanr.
1998-2003 navchannya v Kiivsykomu nacіonalynomu unіversitetі kulyturi і mistectv, tvorcha maysternya n.a.SRSR K.P.Stepankova.
Bevz (Babych) Svitlana Valentynivna was born on March 4, 1966 in the city of Boryspil, Kyiv region. Since 2009 director and actress of the Municipal Theater BEREZIL Boryspil City Council of Kyiv region
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