Slava Krasovska
Acting coach (0) Actress dubbing (0) Leading actress (27) Supporting Actress (13)
2012 - KNUTKіT іm. І.K. Karpenka-Karoho, specіalynіsty - aktor teatru і kіno, maysternya Yu.P. Visocykoho
2014 - osvіtnіy proekt "Semіnar іhrovoho teatru". Kerіvnik - O. Lіpcin
2017 - MK Ivani Chabbak (uchasty na scenі)
2018 - MK Britansykoi Akademіi scenіchnoho boyu (rukopashniy bіy)
2018 - MK Britansykoi Akademіi scenіchnoho boyu (nіgh)
2019 - MK z roboti pered kameroyu vіd kastinh-direktorіv Dgheremі Zіmmermanna (Velikobritanіya) і Mahdaleni Shvarcbart (Polyscha)
2019 - Pershі ukrainsykі profesіynі kaskadersykі kursi vіd Stuntalot crew
Slava Krasovska is a theatre and movie actress.
Slava was born in Kyiv, Ukraine on November,11 1989. She graduated from the Kyiv National University of Theater, Cinema and Television named after IK Karpenko-Kary in 2012. After receiving her education, a young actress started to work on set, her first roles were in Ukrainian and Russian TV- series “Dr. Baby Dust”, “Sashka”, “The Greek woman”, etc.
In 2014 Slava Krasovska took part in the educational theatrical project called “Play Theatre Seminar / Seminar igrovogo teatru” under the leadership of Oleg Liptsyn.
She has been working as an actress in The Ukrainian Dramatic Theatre “Maly teatr” in Kyiv since 2017. And right in 2018 the performance “The Lover” by Harold Pinter, where Slava played a lead role, won the first prize in the theatrical competition “Taken the stage” organized by British Council Ukraine
Slava Krasovska took part in different acting workshops:
2017 – Ivana Chubbuck's workshop (a stage participant);
2018 – Workshop “Unarmed Combat” organized by the British Academy of Stage and Screen Combat (passed with distinction)
2018 – Workshop “Knife” organized by the British Academy of Stage and Screen Combat (passed)
2019 – International work-on-camera workshop prepared by casting-directors Jeremy Zimmermann (GB) and Magdalena Szwarcbart (Poland).
Nowadays Slava has more than 30 titles in filmography, the most known are “The Stronghold”, “Love in chains”, “Censored”
Slava Krasovska has also been working as a dubbing and voice-over actress in “LeDoyen” studio in Kyiv since 2018
There are no projects with this profession yet
There are no projects with this profession yet
Role Наталя Ужвій
Role Оксана
Role Тоня
Role Галина
Role Марина
Role Ксенія
Role Лідія
Role Астра
Role Росанка
Role Настя
Role Тамара
Role Аня
Role Катерина привалова
Role Катя Реброва
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