83 minutes - Ukraine 2024
Genre DocumentaryWar
Category Full-length documentary
Director Volodimir Tihiy
95 minutes - NorwayUkraine 2024
Genre Documentary
Category Full-length documentary
Director Mariia Stoianova
90 minutes - Ukraine 2024
Genre Comedy
Category Full-length
Director Oleg Borshchevsky
Cast Stanіslav BoklanKaterina KuzniecovaMihaylo HomaYurіy HorbunovArtemіy YehorovAnastasіya ІvanyukDmytro PavkoVladislav NіkіtyukAlіna Kovalenko
In the film's plot, the characters set off for the capital on December 31st. Before meeting on the platform, they were strangers, but what else but a train can bring together complete strangers in a matter of hours? Especially on New Year's Eve, when miracles happen.
92 minutes - Ukraine 2024
Genre Documentary
Category Full-length documentary
Director Mikola Nosok
The documentary Malanka and Christmas captures the celebration of Malanka just a month before the full-scale Russian invasion and the first Christmas in the newly de-occupied territories of Ukraine’s Slobozhanshchyna and Donechchyna.
Dmytro Mazuriak is a Ukrainian musician and sopilka player with the band Kazka, who devoted 15 years to preserving the Malanka tradition in his home village of Ispas, Bukovyna. A craftsman of traditional Hutsul instruments, Dmytro returns from Kyiv every year to organise the Malanka festival in his community. Just a month after his last 2022 festival, a full-scale invasion began. By the end of 2022, Ukrainian forces had liberated much of Slobozhanshchyna and Donechchyna, though relentless shelling made life in these areas a daily struggle, especially in winter. To show solidarity and revive ancient Ukrainian traditions in these de-occupied areas, young people from across Ukraine came together to perform nativity scenes and bring hope to the east.
97 minutes - Ukraine 2023
Genre Documentary
Category Full-length documentary
Director Marina Tkachuk (II)
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