Strange People

19 minutes - Ukraine 2011

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Oleksіy Babenko

Vadim tries to lay hands on himself. On his way there is indifference, and suddenly fate brings a new acquaintance.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


11 minutes - Ukraine 2012

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Dmitro Konovalov (II)

This is a story about how the Euro 2012 championship broke into the usual, slightly sleepy life of a resident of the Kharkiv Zoo - Fred's ferret. Every day Fred was brought to the fan zone and placed in front of him two bowls of delicious food. But as soon as he tried to taste something… he was immediately lifted into the air, and everyone around shouted loudly… FRED!


A film about the superstar of the Kharkiv fan zone - Fred Ferret - a soothsayer of the results of football matches.


The films are included in the almanac of documentaries "Out of the Euro".



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

She's Gone

Ukraine 2006

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Mikola Bondarchuk


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Captive of the past

Ukraine 2021

Genre MelodramaDetective

Director Oleksandr Mohov

Pathologist Vera, who in the past had a successful career as a surgeon, now lives by one job and worries about relatives. After a failed affair, she returns to her hometown, hoping to understand how to live.

One day, Vera learns that her younger brother is accused of murder, which he said he did not commit. The situation is complicated when the investigation is entrusted to Fyodor, from whom Vera had no secrets until now. But the worst thing is that the deeper Vera digs, the more strange, unpleasant, frankly scary things start happening in their family. The girl understands: someone is behind these troubles. Someone evil, vindictive, who seeks to destroy her family at all costs. Pay for their dark past, which Vera does not know about.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The father had two sons

Ukraine 2017

Genre ComedyRomance

Director Vіktorіya Kruhla

The beautiful resort town is home to a wealthy Fighting family, which owns a chain of luxury hotels. The father, an experienced businessman, involves his sons - Anton and Victor - in the family business. They are twins, but completely different. Anton works tirelessly, neglecting personal happiness, and Victor, a favorite of women and a real lovelas, who is able to seduce any, even quite demanding and rebellious woman, is not in a hurry to work, preferring entertainment and recreation.

Victor is secretly in love with the gardener's daughter Vasilina. A plump and insecure girl watches her chosen one from afar, dreaming of one day gaining his attention, but so far she is just invisible, like many other girls who are not endowed with attractive enough appearance, which is a very important criterion for selecting a narcissist selfish and too spoiled by female attention Victor.

Vasilina's parents send her to study, and three years later the girl returns home. She has changed beyond recognition and it's hard not to notice. A well-mannered, fit beauty immediately attracts the attention of Vadim, but he is married and her husband's passion will have consequences. Vadim's wife is the daughter of a very influential man, and to offend her is tantamount to defying her domineering father. Deciding to break off his brother's relationship with Vasilina, Anton begins to actively court the girl, trying to capture her attention.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Mariia and Martha

23 minutes - Ukraine 2007

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Natalіya Patrakova

Політика Третього Рейху передбачала знищення цивільного населення, яка у майбутньому стане відомою як геноцид слов'янської та єврейської частин радянського народу.

На жаль, ні в радянській, ні в українській, ні в російській, ні в білоруській, ні в німецькій історіографії це поняття, на відміну від Голокосту, не було сформульовано і не є науковим і загальновизнаним. З території УРСР було вивезено на примусові роботи 2,4 мільйона душ, половина з яких були дівчатка й молоді жінки.

Мільйонам українських праведниць присвячується мій фільм. Однією з головних діючих осіб у фільмі є пам'ятник «Спалені села України», створений народним художником України Анатолієм Кущем.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

9 minutes - Ukraine 1995

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Valentin Melynichenko


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


19 minutes - Ukraine 2023

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Katerina Molokopieieva


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Under Electric Clouds

100 minutes - RussiaUkrainePoland 2015

Genre ExperimentalScience fiction

Category Full-length

Director Oleksіy Herman (molodshiy)

The film is made up of six interwoven short stories, which take place between winter and summer, on the day when the first snow falls. The characters of the film, facing and bypassing each other, create the mosaic that is our life.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0