
39 minutes - Ukraine 2020

Genre Action movieComedy

Category Short

Director Vasily Moskalenko

The Apple Man, or Apple-Man, is the result of a secret CIA experiment to create supersoldiers. Apple-Man confronts a supervillain who seeks to destroy the universe.

The first Ukrainian superhero film shot in quarantine.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


11 minutes - Ukraine 2012

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Іvan Zotіkov

The story of the stadium in the period when it was a market, told by a man who was a direct participant in those events. His touching and inquisitive look at the past, the time he lived through - the 1990s.


The films are included in the almanac of documentaries "Out of the Euro".



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Cuckoo's children

12 minutes - Ukraine 2010

Genre Теленарис

Director Olena Kravchenko

They went with weapons against each other, but they have so much in common: they are young, in love and both want to live like this ...


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


12 minutes - Ukraine 2011

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Dmitro Pometnyov

A story about one evening in the life of a young couple.

Someone will say that the lives of Andrew and Nadia are dumbfounded, and that only in a dream do they remember how happy they were. I will say this - take a closer look, and maybe happiness looks just like that.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


Ukraine 1997

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Roman Yarimkevich


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Heiress involuntarily

Ukraine 2018

Genre MelodramaAdventure

Director Taras Dudar

Sofia's life takes place between lectures, working part-time in an ethnographic park as an animator, helping her mother in a country motel. All the girl dreams of is to save money and fly to Turkey for excavations with a young professor, with whom she is secretly in love. Sofia is sure that it is there that Igor Svyatoslavovich will finally stop treating her as an ordinary student and this, of course, will mark the beginning of their long and happy family life.

But one day the girl's usual life changes dramatically. The oligarch and philanthropist Korolenko announces to everyone that she will become the heiress and manager of his big business. The upset grandson of Yaroslav Korolenko tries to resist these events, but attempts to understand his grandfather's difficult game lead him to disappointing conclusions. Yaroslava's fiancée and the daughter of Korolenko's partner Oleksandra are a smart and purposeful girl, she treats marriage pragmatically, because earlier her great love with Professor Danilevsky was destroyed due to the betrayal of the young scientist. Alexandra will be wary of meeting the new heiress, but will soon learn about the cunning machinations of the oligarch, as well as that the betrayal of her former lover was fabricated on the orders of Yuri Korolenko. Naive Sophia learns that she is just a pawn in someone else's game, and the one in whom she saw her benefactor is a thief and swindler who decided to save his bankrupt company with the help of his heiress. After all, the girl's great-grandfather left a large deposit in a Swiss bank and today only Sofia can get this capital.

The secret of the death of Sophia of Kyiv's father did not become a great revelation of Korolenko, who, while rescuing his own son, hid Roman Izyaslavsky in prison.

In order to survive in a world full of envy and intrigue, Sophia will not only have to grow up quickly and learn to understand people, but also, of course, to meet her true love, albeit the grandson of her enemy.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


12 minutes - Ukraine 2011

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Katerina Kalinіchenko


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

5 minutes - Ukraine 2016

Genre DramaScreen adaptation

Category Short

Director Yulya Dehlіna

The robber of the flat and the owner of that flat has mich more in common than it could seems...


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Best for couples


Genre Comedy

Category Full-length

Director Іvan Timchenko

The film consists of four novels about couples at different ages and stages of relationships united by the place of action, cozy apartment in the heart of Lviv.

Vlad rent a small apartment in Lviv and entrusts Ostap to take care of it and residents. Ostap will not leave them without attention and farewell words. How does he know it all? It’s just mystery.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0