Old people

18 minutes - Ukraine 2001

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length

Director Valentin VasyanovichMaksim Vasyanovich

About the inhabitants of the village of Meleni, Zhytomyr region. This is a laconic and imaginative story about elderly villagers who, after going through difficult life milestones, have not lost their love for life and tell about their Fates with humor.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Roma Dream

22 minutes - Ukraine 2012

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Roman Bondarchuk

Фільм є дослідженням українськими документалістами проблем ромів Закарпатської області.
Це чотири історії про мешканців таборів Закарпаття Дениса, Мирослава, Діану та Ренату, яких вважають успішними в ромському середовищі, тож вони прагнуть бути взірцями.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Ukraine 2022

Genre Melodrama

Category Full-length

Director Eduard Heorhadze

Життя Єгора змінюється, коли його відстороняють від роботи в компанії з розробки відеоігор і він дізнається про смерть свого батька винороба. Він повертається у рідне село, щоб продати виноградну плантацію. Там він зустрічає танцівницю Єву, яка впізнає в ньому свого друга дитинства. Разом вони знаходять цілу серію загадок-листів, які залишив батько Єгора.

Тим часом нотаріус повідомляє, що за умовою заповіту продати виноробню неможливо. Події починають розгортатися ще стрімкіше, коли загадкова покупниця пропонує спосіб, як Єгор може продати їй виноробню. Тим часом він починає підозрювати, що в будинку батька буває хтось ще, окрім нього.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The Dog and the Old Man

1 minutes - Ukraine 2020

Genre Animation

Category Short animation

Director Anatolіy Surma

The old man throws out the dog who lived with him for many years and served him loyally into the street. The dog finds a new home and a loving family. Meanwhile, the old man gets older and has to leave his family and his home himself.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Dovecotes of Kyiv

10 minutes - United KingdomUkraine 2023

Genre DocumentaryЕтнографічний

Category Short documentary

Director Mihaylo Volkov

From late 1940-s to late 1980-s doves were an obsession for boys in Kyiv. This is a film about how a hobby from childhood becomes a meaning of life.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The Line of Attack

40 minutes - Ukraine 2021

Genre DocumentarySport

Category Full-length documentary

Director Pavel Cherepin


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Giorgos and Polya

11 minutes - GreeceUkraine 2018

Genre DocumentaryDrama

Category Short documentary

Director Polіna Moshensyka

A love story and long-distance relationship that began in September 2014 amid the tumultuous events of the war in Ukraine and the economic crisis in Greece.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 7

The disappearing traces

Ukraine 2020

Genre Melodrama

Director Serhіy Tolkushkіn

Kirill and Tatiana are abducted by their little daughter Ulyana. During her release, the girl's car explodes. Police officer Cyril has a hard time suffering grief, is depressed, begins to abuse alcohol, and thus loses his wife and job.

Meanwhile, crimes are happening in the city, people are disappearing, children are being abducted. And former head of Cyril helps him to return to work in the police, in conjunction with him will work the best profiler – his ex-wife Tatiana.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Marry New Year

95 minutes - Ukraine 2016

Genre ComedyMelodrama

Director Valerіy Іbrahіmov

In a provincial town on New Year's Eve, a 30-year-old loser, Lyuska, finds a homeless old man in a shabby red coat at a bus stop. After unsuccessful attempts to take him to the hospital or to the police, the compassionate Lyuska delivers the "find" to her home.

Coming to his senses, the sincere old man declares that he is Santa Claus, who fell from a sleigh racing through the sky. Now he can only wait for his granddaughter Snow Maiden to realize that he is not there and start looking for him. Of course, Lucy perceives this statement as nonsense. However, by a strange coincidence, New Year's miracles begin to happen with the appearance of this "Santa Claus" in Lucy's life.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0