Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company Directory FilmsMessage FIlmFokus InSolar Media Entertainment
Distributor Multi Media Distribution
Directors Marisya Nіkіtyuk
Screenwriter Marisya Nіkіtyuk
Director of photography (DOP) Mіhal EnhlertMateusz Wichlacz
Production Designer Vlad Dudko
Composers Mykyta MoiseievAleksandar Pejovski
Sound Directors Oleksandr Shatkivskyi
Film editor Іvan BannіkovBlazhe DulevMilenia Fiedler
Сostume designer Kostyantin Kravecy
Makeup artists Tetyana BovtTetyana Horoshun
Casting director Alla Samoylenko
Producer Igor SavychenkoVolodimir FіlіppovRoman KlimpushSerge LavrenyukAlla OvsiannikovaAndrіy SuyarkoDariusz JabłońskiIzabela WójcikVioletta KamińskaDarko Baseski
Leading actors Anastasіya PustovіtSofiia KhalaimovaMaksim SamchikMarіya SvіghinsykaAlla SamoylenkoYevhenіy Hrihor'ievPetro PastuhovMarіya TrepіkovaAelіta-Vіktorіya Avierman
Supporting Actors Volodimir BezdomnіkovVolodymyr DzhuraOleksandr BalabanIvan BlindarMihaylo KostyukOlyha KorbutYaroslav YurchishinVadym KovalovSerhіy StrelynikovRoman MacyutaIhor KoltovskyiNatalіya HaievsykaMihaylo KohutІhor MachulaRaisa HolenokSerhіy BurdyuhOlyha PozdnyakovaSvіtlana StanovsykaOstap ChervoniyMartіnіan SkalihaTamara DanilyukDenis ZelіnsykiyDmytro MelnychukYurіy MakieievLyubov DobіashOleksandr KovіnyaVadim KoshkіnAndrіy YershovPavlo ChirvaAndrіy LіtvіnovSerhіy NechitayloVadim BezverhnіyMaksim KoryakMikola LisyukMarіya ІlyinaMarina KoshkinaAnastasіya KoryakYevhenіy Hrihor'iev
Сoaches Ihor Koltovskyi
Creation year 2018
Country UkrainePolandNorth Macedonia
Language Ukrainian
World Premiere 20 february 2018
Premiere in Ukraine 19 july 2018
Rental in Ukraine with 13 september 2018
Budget ₴ 23 047 094
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 404 332
Spectators in cinemas 4936
The events of the film take place in the Ukrainian province, where the story of 5-year-old rebellious Branch, her cousin-teenage sister Larissa and her beloved young bandit Scar unfolds.
After the death of her father, Larissa faces the question of her future. Larissa wants to do her fortune with her own hands, but for her love of the Scarf she is condemned by her family. A grandmother who is worried only by what people say and is exhausted by Larissa's mother pushes her into a stereotypical life scenario. Larissa and Scar are planning to run away from bandits, devastation and relatives together.
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