Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre DramaScreen adaptation
Production company Kіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra Dovghenka
Directors Yurіy Lyashenko
Screenwriter Pavlo MovchanYurіy Lyashenko
Director of photography (DOP) Vіktor PolіtovVolodimir Hutovsykiy
Production Designer Volodimir Hutovsykiy
Composers Volodymyr Hronsky
Sound Directors Yurіy Lavrinenko
Film editor Taisіya Kryachenko
Сostume designer V. Katrenyuk
Makeup artists Halina TishlekAlla Melynik
Leading actors Sergey RomanyukAlybіna SotnikovaMarina B'yahova-ІsaievaOlyha SumsykaLeonid BakshtaevMikola BabenkoІhor HubіnKostyantin Mahalyas
Supporting Actors Anatolii BarchukV. BendelovsykiyO. VyshnevskyiYu. HercevStepan DonecyOleh KomarovІrina KіhtievaZinaida KovalenkoHanna LevchenkoBoris LitvinBoris MazurLeonіd MarchenkoV. MandrikYurіy SamsonovT. SuraychenkoP. TeutuYu. FedorovV. Hackevich
For the novel of the same name by Vladimir Vinnichenko.
The beginning of the twentieth century. Previously, Jacob, with all the passion of a young man, was rooting for ideas that give equal rights to ordinary people, for justice and radical changes in society. Now he is a completely unscrupulous and cruel cynic who works as a lawyer and is nicknamed Mephistopheles. He does not sympathize with men, but only has fun with women, but a hint of serious feelings for that one can change something.
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