Format Film
Category Full-length
Production company MKK Film ServiceІnter Medіa Hrup
Distributor Multi Media Distribution
Directors Tymur Yashchenko
Screenwriter Tymur YashchenkoRobert Kwilman
Director of photography (DOP) Yurіy Dunay
Production Designer Oleksіy Velichko
Composers Anton Bajbakov
Sound Directors Farіd MbaydіnSerhіy PrikaschikovAlyona Smikova
Film editor Alexander ChornyViktor Onysko
Сostume designer Darina Kochnieva
Makeup artists Marіya Pіlunsyka
Second Director Dar'ya Lukashenko
Casting director Natalіya Borovih
Producer Marta LotishІrina Klimenko
Leading actors Evhenii LamakhDmytro SovaRoman SemisalOleh ScherbinaRuslan KovalVadim LyalykoEvgen AvdeenkoOles Katsion
Supporting Actors Maksym ZapisochniySerhіy DetyukDmitro HavrilovTimur AslanovOleksandr LaptijAleksandra Bogna Yaszczenko-RodzikOleg KarpenkoRoman FedosieievMikola ShkuratovsykiyHrihorіy BaklanovOleksandr YefimenkoMihaylo VoskoboynіkDmitro ZaychenkoAnton TolmachevShandor KishVlad SlіchniyOleksandr ChumashovKateryna Sary-YurievaDasha LeheidaMikita StoroghkovIhor MarusyakVіtalіna BіblіvOrest HardaValerіy AstahovAlіsa LukshinaMihaylo MalycevSerhіy SavchukVadim MelynikDenis MikolyukVadim DranhoyDenis TrubchaninovOleh SamoylovAnton BіliyMikita LitvinVіtalіi VyshnevskyiDenis BorodіnOleh Іhnatyiev (II)Yurіy SelіnMikita KlyushnikovDenis ProydisvіtLіlіya AverinaOleksandr ZyatykovSerhіy KravchukDmitro NemanovMihaylo SaharovSerhіy ZverykovSerhіy BezsmertniyІhor TimoshenkoOleh ІvanovYurіy ІvanovMikola SofronіPetro DudishSerhіy KuiemghiІvan BonchevVіtalіy ZelenkovOleksandra BlaghkoІrina RibochenkoLіlіya AverkinaVіtalіya StepanovaAnna LeonovaAnna OhanesyanMarіya RanevsykaYulіya SazonovaMarіya KoshikYulіana PenovaVіktorіya VaynermanІnna KetovaAnastasіya TischenkoDarіya OvchinnikovaKaterina HolmohorovaLyudmila HrivnakMaksim Rudenko
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
World Premiere 16 july 2019
Premiere in Ukraine 16 july 2019
Rental in Ukraine with 27 february 2020
Budget ₴ 39 841 862
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 6 490 729
Spectators in cinemas 73428
The film is based on real events.
The bear and the lion, the guys from Ukrainian village. They for various reasons appear on the military ship of Navy of Ukraine Cherkassy, deployed in port of the Crimean lake Donuzlav, during events on the Maidan of 2014. At a time when the crew of the minesweeper Cherkassy is trained, President Yanukovych flees from Ukraine, and the Crimea is captured by the green men. The occupation of the Crimean Peninsula begins. The ship returns to base, but the port is already lost. Cherkassy, together with other ships of the Ukrainian fleet, blocked in the lake Donuzlav – the way to the sea is blocked by the flooded vessels. Ukrainian ships surrender one by one, only the crew of Cherkassy resists and continues a brave, though hopeless, struggle with the enemy.
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