Format Film
Category Full-length
Production company Contini Films
Directors George Jecel
Screenwriter George JecelBrook Fuller
Director of photography (DOP) Michael Kaufmann
Production Designer Nikola Bercek
Composers Serhіy KosarenkoVolodymyr KripakDmitro Snіghko
Film editor Alexander Chorny
Producer George Jecel
Executive Producers George Jecel
Leading actors Stefanіya SeymurYevhen MalukhaVolodimir HoryansykiyArtem Pasinkov
Supporting Actors Volodimir OsadchiyAlexandra HilverthAlyona AlimovaOlena YablochnaDmytro MelnychukVіtalіy SalіyLyubov SolodovaOleksandr BezsmertniyValerіy LehіnYaroslav HurevichYevhen KayhorodovTaras NesterenkoІhor Hniezdіlov
With civil war just over in an Eastern European country, Tatiana, an exceptional 13-year-old ballet talent, is striving to escape her desperately poor rural backwater to attend an elite urban dance academy. She has no idea that behind her back, deals are being made to sell her into child prostitution. It's a story of ruthless greed that will not stop at crushing an innocent girl's dream... and a story of a tender love affair that could save her from a horrible destiny.
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