Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2021, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 8.43%
Fraction 24.22%
Genre Melodrama
Production company FILM.UA Group
Directors Roman Tkachenko
Screenwriter Olexiy SivolapMarіya BekAndrіy Percen
Director of photography (DOP) Dmitro Yurіkov
Production Designer Maksim Dimitrenko
Sound Directors V'yacheslav BorodavkaDmitro Teryohіn
Film editor Timofіy Makarov
Сostume designer Shura Riazantseva
Makeup artists Oksana Tischenko
Casting director Yana Bernadsyka
Producer Vіktorіya KorohodNataliia StrybukVіktor MirsykiyІrina ChernyakOlena MalkovaKirilo HorobecyTetyana Nosenko (II)
Leading actors Anastasіya CimbalaruKirilo KuzniecovArtem PoznyakDmytro SaranskovKarina Mushta
Supporting Actors Svіtlana KirpichovaYelizar NazarenkoSerhii HutkoSvіtlana ZolotykoAnton KocherhaVіtalіy LesіnNatalіya LyashenkoValerіy PasіchnikOlena PisotskaSerhіy PozdnyakovAlіna ProcenkoValeriy RozhdestvenskiyYana SmolencevaІhor TihomirovDmytro TurkevychRymma TyshkevychVіktor ShestakovVіktorіya Karpinska (Tokmanenko)
Casting Managers Іvanna Kolesnichenko
The owner of a pharmaceutical company, Igor Valevsky, is being arrested for selling counterfeit drugs right in front of his wife Nastya and daughter Nika. My daughter has been suffering from asthma for a long time, due to stress she has a severe attack. Nastya's wife is torn between the hospital and the pre-trial detention center. At the cost of incredible efforts, she manages to save Igor from prison. But the joy is short-lived, because Igor is not who he pretended to be. Nastya, taking her daughter, leaves Igor and tries to start from scratch. A man from the past suddenly appears in her life and extends a helping hand to her.
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