Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre BiographicalDrama
Distributor Volga Ukraine
Directors Axtem Seitablaev
Screenwriter Mikola Ribalka
Director of photography (DOP) Andrii Lysetskyi
Production Designer Shevket Seydametov
Composers Sergey Krutsenko
Sound Directors Serhіy Savchenko
Film editor Serhіy Klepach
Сostume designer Nadіya Kudryavceva
Makeup artists Іrina Solodovsyka
Casting director Olha Savina
Producer Іvanna DyadyuraTeona MazmіshvіlіSasha Kleyn
Executive Producers Marina Hriculyak
Leading actors Lіlіya YacenkoAdrian ZwickerVenіamіn PriburaShmuely Acmon-VіrcerAxtem Seitablaev
Supporting Actors Sebastyyan AntonSven RіmanEvelіna KoshelevaBohdan MoshensykiyHeorhі ChelіdzeMihaylo ChernyakovShevket SeydametovAnastasіya HabelayyaLuka KorіdzeVіktorіya AtanelovaSafіie SeіtablaievaKetevan HurcidzeOtar GhhentіMarіam DghincharadzeErekle BahratіonіSavelіy ArhіpovSandro MrevrіshvіlіІraklі ApakіdzeMarіya HorsykaYevheniia MiakenkaOlena HricayAlіie HadghabadіnovaElyzara BatalovaSerhіy DetyukOleksandr MelynikDmytro SaranskovDmitro SporishevDenis PonomarenkoSergii DzialykValeriia RubanKristina ChіchіnadzeShota NatadzeHuha HohoberіdzeZuka HetsadzeHіorhі ToduaHіorhі PapunashvіlіHіorhі HodashlashvіlіZura BochorіshvіlіBeka Hurcidze
Creation year 2017
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 18 may 2017
Rental in Ukraine with 18 may 2017
Budget ₴ 31 443 803
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 629 862
Spectators in cinemas 9490
The story of Said Arifova, a Crimean Tatar, who twice rescued 88 Jewish orphans during World War II: first, by the Nazis, extraditing children to Crimean Tatars, and second, by NKVD troops deporting the Crimean Tatars in May 1944, that these children are Jewish.
Saide is a caregiver at an orphanage for Tatar orphans. She is approached for help by a boy, Yitzhak, who, along with other Jewish children, is hiding from the Nazis. The girl has a difficult moral dilemma – to help the children or, in saving their own lives, to refuse them? Despite the deadly threat, the girl takes care of the dangerous pupils and turns the little Jews into Tatars – giving them new names, teaching languages, customs and prayers. But will they be able to deceive the punishers and escape from death? ..
The film is based on real events.
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