Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre DramaHistoricalAdventureAction movie
Production company Pronto Fіlym
Distributor KinomaniaFILM.UA Distribution
Directors Oles Sanіn
Screenwriter Oles SanіnPol VolyansykiyVasily PortyakMaksym Chernysh
Director of photography (DOP) Serhiy Mykhalchuk
Production Designer Oleksandra DrobotYurіy Hrihorovich
Composers Alla ZahaykevichAlex Chorny
Sound Directors Yevhen PetrusRoman Homenyuk
Film editor Khodakivska TetianaVolodimir Zapryahalov
Сostume designer Hala OtenkoMarіya Kero
Makeup artists Іrina Solodovsyka
Second Director Dmitro Hasanov
Operator Dmitro TartishnіkovDmitro BorodіnYurіy Hruzіnov
Casting director Alla Samoylenko
Producer Maksim AsadchiyOles Sanіn
Executive Producers Roman Klimpush
Leading actors Serhіy StrelynikovOleksіy HnatkovsykiyDasha PlahtiyMateusz KościukiewiczAgata BuzekAleksandr MavritsRostislav DerghipіlysykiyRoman YasinovskyiDmitro VіvcharyukOleh ShulhaPetro GhirunІvan GhirunJerzy SchejbalVolodimir BelyaievLuzer Twersky
Supporting Actors Oleh MosіychukNatalіya KorpanOleh DrachAshot ArushanovOleh YurchishinOleksandr YaremaVіktor BaranovsykiyYakiv TkachenkoІvan DanіlіnAnatoliy TsymbalRoman MartynLev SkopІrina SanіnaVolodimir LavrenchukAndriy RizolPetro ChichukPavlo Dovhany-LevicykiyOleksandr MaliyOleh KravchukRoman YanushYevhen MatvіienkoAndrіy OlenіnVasily KorghukRoman MolodiiKirilo SharapovAndrii ShulhaTaras DorocykiyKaterina FedorushkoІvanna SanіnaVіktor LafarovichDmitro BorodіnKaterina PavlenkoOleksa HorodenkoMikola KeyvanOstap DziadekOleh ArseienkoVіtalіy ChighIvan DoskichSergey ShadrinOleksandr Maksymov (II)Serhii KuzOrest PastuhІvan HubanovMikola EysmontStanіslav BabghenkoOleksandr Panіchuk
Voice acting Oleksandr ІhnatushaІnna KapіnosDmitro VіkulovViacheslav Khostikoiev Yevhen PashinOleg PanasAndrіi MelnykЮрій ВихованецьTetiana ShavkovaOleksandr Melynik
Visual effects supervisors Oleksіy Moskalenko
Creation year 2023
Country Ukraine
World Premiere 19 august 2023
Premiere in Ukraine 19 august 2023
Hire the world with 23 august 2023
Rental in Ukraine with 24 august 2023
Budget ₴ 86 678 891
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 68 531 881
Spectators in cinemas 485545
The film is set in the early eighteenth century in the Carpathians. The cruel rule of the Polish gentry forces the Hutsuls to flee to the mountains. Two brothers, Oleksa and Ivan Dovbush, find themselves outlawed and become opryshky. In search of revenge on the lords for the murder of Dovbush's parents, the brothers become enemies to each other. One wants money, the other wants justice.
The Hutsuls start an uprising led by Oleksa. The nobility does everything possible to destroy Dovbush. But he outsmarts them. And the legend of the Carpathian knight grew. A legend that inspires generations of those who fight for the freedom of their native land. It is about the strength and love of Oleksa Dovbush, about betrayal and insult. About how he lived and how he deceived death.
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