Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2015, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel 2+2
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Production company 1+1 media
Directors Oleksii Shaparev
Screenwriter Mikola Ribalka
Director of photography (DOP) Anatolіy Himich
Production Designer Serhіy Brghestovsykiy
Sound Directors Oleksіy SitnikValentin Timoshenko
Film editor Vіktor Malyarenko
Сostume designer Svіtlana Dzyubenko
Makeup artists Anastasіya Sutyahіna
Casting director Oksana Martynyuk (II)
Producer Olesya PazenkoOksana Yanko-KovalenkoVadim SheshychTetyana BіlozyorovaSerhіy AmelіchevKostiantyn Shamin
Executive Producers Yanina Sulima
Line Producers Іrmas Yashenkova
Leading actors Oleksіy HorbunovAxtem SeitablaevOstap StupkaDenys MartynovDenis HranchakDmitro TubolycevBohdan YusipchukHanna TopchіyVіktorіya Karpinska (Tokmanenko)Kostyantin ShaforenkoRimma Ziubіna Vano YantbelіdzeDmitro Surghikov
Supporting Actors Serhіy SolopayYurіy KudryavecyYaroslav IhnatenkoDmitro PechenovІhor AntonovSerhіy BrghestovsykiyOksana MalashenkovaHennadii PopenkoMarta YankelevsykaDіana HordaSerhіy StrelycovMarіchka ShaparievaTetyana VorobyovaІhor ShkurіnAnton MalyarMaksim PanykіvLarisa TroyanovsykaOleksii ShaparevІrina TamіmYana ZelensykaOleksandr ІlyienkoMihaylo KryatAnatolіy PriymakSerhіy SavenkovІvan SiekachVіktor SchurAnna Artem'ieva
The events of the series begin during the Revolution of Dignity, where the heroes are on different sides of the barricades: one is an officer of the internal troops, the other is protesters, and when the Russian intervention in Ukraine began, former opponents were in the National Guard.
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