vadim savenko

Leading actor (0) Stunt coordinator (0) Stuntmen (0) Supporting Actor (4)

  • GenderMale
  • Age54 years
  • Date of birth16 may 1970
  • Place of birthkiev
  • Country of birthUkraine

Pervoe obrazovanie :Universitet fizvospitaniya i sporta po specialynosti- instruktor porukopashnomu boyu,voenno-prikladnoy sport(master sporta MK).

Vtoroe: Teatralynyy institut im.Karpenko-Karoho,kinofakulytet,kafedra reghisury ihrovoho kino.


In 1989, he started as a stuntman in film production and is still active. In 2000, he graduated from the Karpenko-Kary Theater Institute, the film faculty, specializing in feature film director, screenwriter, actor, choreographer.


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