Voting for films in the nomination “Audience Award” of “Golden Jig” Film Award started
07 June 2019
Black Tie: dress code rules for the Golden Jig Award Third National Film Awards
07 June 2019
Third National Film Award: Media accreditation for the ceremony
07 June 2019
Irma Vitovskaya, Rimma Zyubina, Mikhail Khoma (DZIDZIO), Vasily Virastyuk, Oleg Mikhailuta, Akhtem Seitablaev, Roman Balayan and others will present the Golden Jig
07 June 2019
Third Golden Jigsaw National Film Award: Commencement Ceremony
07 June 2019
First winners of the Third National Film Award “Golden Jig”
07 June 2019
Online movie database of Ukraine

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