2 minutes - Ukraine 2014
Genre Comedy
Category Short
Director Oleh Martyrosian
Cast Oleh Martyrosian
The man goes into the kitchen to drink coffee, and work is already waiting for him.
Revival of the picture – Barthel Bruyn the Elder Vanitas (First half of the XVI century.)
78 minutes - Ukraine 2014
Genre Documentary
Category Full-length documentary
Director Yuliia HontarukRoman LyubiyIvan SautkinVolodimir Tihiy
122 minutes - Ukraine 2014
Genre DramaHistorical
Category Full-length
Director Olesy Sanіn
Cast Stanіslav BoklanAnton Svyatoslav HrіnSusana Dghamaladіnova (Dghamala)Dennіs Dghefrі BarrellOleksandr KobzarOleh Primohenov
Ukraine, 1930s. American engineer Michael Shamrock and his son come to Kharkiv to help build socialism. Here, he falls in love with actress Olga Levitsk, who has long been an eye for an influential NKVD employee.
In tragic circumstances, an American dies and his son is saved from pursuers by a blind kobzar. Having no other chance to survive in a foreign country, the guy becomes a guide. Their journey, filled with dangerous adventures, takes place against the backdrop of the most dramatic pages of Ukrainian history and the destruction of human destinies.
83 minutes - FranceUkraine 2013
Genre Comedy
Category Full-length
Director Dmitriy TomashpolskyiOlena Dem'yanenko
Cast Nіna SolOleksіy ZubkovSvіtlana KryuchkovaNatalіya ShamіnaDenis YasikOleksandr ІhnatushaVolodimir AbazopuloOleh OsіnaOleksandr Barhman
Events are happening in Ukraine, we can assume that in the near future. Ukrainian scientists have decided to shock the whole world by sending two Ukrainian astronauts into orbit and researching the effect of the absence of gravity on sex.
The name of the film comes from a decision by the World Health Organization (WHO) that included love in the list of mental disorders under code F63.9 along with alcoholism, kleptomania and substance abuse.
Chronicle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army 1942-1954
114 minutes - Ukraine 2014
Genre Documentary and game
Category Full-length documentary
Director Taras Himich
Cast Olyha KomanovsykaVolodimir PravosudovDmytro KarshnevychRoman KrivdikNazarіy MoskovecySerhіy LevchenkoHalina DalyavsykaNatalіya BoymukІnna Kalinyuk
The story of the history of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army 1942-1954 through the lens of the testimony of thirty-four eyewitnesses and direct participants in the events (more than one hundred interviewed). The creators of the tape offer to look at the Ukrainian insurgent movement from the perspective of ordinary people, without the pathos, hoaxes and propaganda clichés. Oral stories open an unconventional look at the nature of the UPA's struggles, make it possible to feel the atmosphere and spirit of the era, to plunge into the maelstrom of tumultuous events.
Love and hatred, dedication and betrayal, heroism and low spirits - all combined in the history of the UPA, leaving no room for only black or white colors.
132 minutes - NetherlandsUkraine 2014
Category Full-length
Director Miroslav Slaboshpicykiy
Cast Hrihorіy FesenkoYana NovikovaRoza BabіyYaroslav BіlecykiyOleksandr DzyadevichOleksandr OsadchiyІvan TishkoOleksandr SidelynikovOleksandr Panіvan
On September 1, a guy named Sergei arrives at a boarding school for people with hearing impairments. He is introduced to one of the students by the nickname Shnyr, who represents Sergius – King, leader of the criminal organization Tribe, which includes residents of the boarding school and a teacher of work. The king, having become convinced that Sergei does not suffer from drug addiction, assigns him a trial of a fight with the best of his people. The guy wins and is sent to the first cause – robbery. In celebration of his successful performance, Sergei meets Anya, who works as a prostitute in the King's band and is his concubine.
After an accident with pimp Annie dies, his place is taken by Sergei. He pays her for sex with him and falls in love with her. After that, Anya becomes pregnant and spends Sergiy's stolen money on abortion. Meanwhile, the King, along with a labor teacher, agrees with a sponsor to send Anya, along with another prostitute, to Italy as a sex slave. They are given a foreign passport, but when Sergey learns about it, he takes Anin's passport and tears it to pieces. The king and his men beat him until he lost consciousness. At night that day, Sergei kills the King and his associates while they are asleep and goes away.
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