
GermanyUkraine 2022

Genre DocumentaryDrama

Director Andrіy Alferov


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

4 minutes - Ukraine 2020

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Mikita Kassely

Володимиру Шаповалову 76 років, понад п'ятдесят з яких він присвятив кераміці. І до сьогодні він веде активну творчу діяльність.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Country U 2.0

Ukraine 2020

Genre Sketch

Director Andrіy Burlaka

У цьому сезоні збереглася структура вертикальних скетчів, а також залишились деякі учасники проєкту «Ліга сміху». Тут немає розділення на регіони, а всі комічні сцени будуються навколо сучасних тем і життєвих ситуацій, які близькі багатьом українцям.

 Країна У | ... | Країна У 2.1Країна У 2.2




Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Flowers for prisoner number 131161

70 minutes - Ukraine

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

The main line of the story is the tragic fate of the former prisoner of the Auschwitz and Mauthausen concentration camps Vadim Boyko, and the story of the film about him.

He is the one who went through all the circles of Nazi hell - seven escapes from death camps, eight torture chambers, two executions, a camp brand from Auschwitz on hand - №131161. He is the only one of millions of tortured prisoners who escaped from a gas chamber to become a master of gymnastics after the war, a writer, author of autobiographical books: "Word after execution" and "If there is hell on earth" - he is the one who became a citizen of Ukraine… Because he never thought to give up! He is Vadym Boyko, a Ukrainian…



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Nevseremos! People from Maydan

27 minutes - Ukraine 2005

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Sergii Masloboishchykov

Portraits of people who came to the Maidan in 2004. Their social status, their private life, their thoughts and hopes.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

127 minutes - Ukraine 2016

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Vіktorіya Bіbіk

Фільм створено до ювілею видатного музиканта сучасності, письменника, композитора, багаторічного головного диригента симфонічного оркестру Національної філармонії України Романа Кофмана.

У фільмі беруть участь усесвітньо відомі музиканти і композитори – друзі та колеги ювіляра: Арво Пярт, Валентин Сильвестров, Гія Канчелі, Гідон Кремер, Елісо Вірсаладзе, Наталія Гутман, Стіг Андерсен та інші. Також у фільмі задіяні Ада Роговцева і учень Романа Ісаковича Кирило Карабиць. Спогади самого Романа Кофмана та його дружини Ірини Сабліної переплетено з цитатами із книжок маестро, його віршами і музикою у власному виконанні.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Gypsy Girl

Ukraine 2019

Genre Melodrama

Director Oleksandr Tіmenko

Adaptation of the eponymous work by Olga Kobylianska.

Maksim, a promising young ethnographer and postgraduate student, arrives in the village of Rusalino to collect a lot of old folklore items for his research papers in 1993. It was Lyuba, a student from Maksim’s college, who had persuaded him to come to the village, because her aunt, Varvara lives there, and the area is famous for having preserved many old folk songs, stories and local folk customs. More importantly, the girl believes that their scientific journey will bring them closer together, because she is deeply in love with Maksim. But alas, Lyuba had not anticipated that here, in Rusalino, Maksim will meet Rada, a beautiful gypsy girl, who will steal his heart forever.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Winners of the undefeated

15 minutes - Ukraine 1993

Genre Scientific and cognitive

Category Short documentary

Director Rostislav Plahov-Modestov

Movie 8 from the movie Unknown Ukraine. Essays on our history.

Unsuccessful march to the Northern Black Sea against the Scythians of Persian king Darius. A poetic tale of the elusive Scythians.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

May 9th

8 minutes - NetherlandsUkraine 2015

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Marіya Ponomaryova

Birthday is the brightest day of your life. My birthday always starts with the cemetery.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0