How to know the story?

15 minutes - Ukraine 1993

Genre Scientific and cognitive

Category Short documentary

Director Rostislav Plahov-Modestov

Movie 2 from the movie Unknown Ukraine. Essays on our history.

Sources of knowledge of ancient history of Ukraine: written evidence, archaeological finds, ethnographic studies. The figurative poetic form tells about the myths and beliefs of the Scythians, their worldview.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Go to stay

93 minutes - Ukraine 2013

Genre Melodrama

Director Alіna Chebotaryova

Where do writers look for inspiration? Andriy Gradov believes that a quiet village with a fish lake far from civilization is just right for him. With one condition: if you do not have to save from this lake drowned. And what if the "mermaid" is beautiful, mysterious and remembers nothing? Are you cut off from the great world by the continuous torrential rain and the blurred roads? Andrew does not need to find a long answer. As a true writer, he transforms the rescued beauty into his muse.

But sooner or later, any vacation, like rain, ends. And it's time to go back to your own story, not your fiction. And part of this story is your past. And also the secrets of your muse's past. Can Andrew solve these mysteries? Will he now find a place for a mysterious plot? Will she find herself near him?



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Okay, Mr. Sobchuk

52 minutes - Ukraine 1992

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Mikola Bezpalov


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Trust the professionals

Ukraine 2019

Genre Comedy

Category Short

Director Іvan Shoha

Autumn, the forest, no one around, the perfect place to make cool shots for a young actress' portfolio. That's only when everything is done by non-specialists, "but for free", there may be nuances.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


29 minutes - Ukraine 2011

Genre DramaSocial

Category Short

Director Natalіya Pyatihіna

A film about the fate of two boys from disadvantaged families who have a chance to change their lives for the better. It only remains to choose the path.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Polka dot sky

Ukraine 2004

Genre Melodrama

Director Volodimir Balkashinov

The young and enterprising Muscovite Claudia, having accumulated a decent capital, leaves the capital forever and goes to the Russian hinterland to arrange a civilization there. It begins with the opening of a casino in a small town.

Provincial residents greet the Moscow guest coldly, with distrust and fear. And those who lost income after the opening of the gambling house, enter into an open struggle with Claudia. But a woman finds the strength to endure, despite the intrigues of enemies and troubles in personal life.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Taxi for an angel

RussiaUkraine 2006

Genre DetectiveScreen adaptation

Director Anatolіy Mateshko

Based on the novel of the same name by Victoria Platova.

The famous writer, the "queen" of modern detective Aglaia Kanunnikova comes to a secluded mansion of a rich man, where a TV show with the participation of female detective stars is to be filmed. On the day of his arrival, Aglaia dies in front of everyone present after drinking poisoned champagne. The rest of those invited to the shooting are cut off from the world: the owner has left, the telephone is not working, a pack of evil dogs is running around the yard.

The investigation begins with two: the cameraman invited to film, and the secretary of the deceased - Alice. Everyone is under suspicion. There is evidence against each of the detectives, and each had good motives to deal with Kanunnikova - the most successful colleague in Peru ...



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

A child in a million

Ukraine 2017

Genre Melodrama

Director Taras Dudar

Designer Nastya dreams of adopting 7-year-old Yegor from an orphanage. But the adoption commission does not like that the girl is single: her husband left her when it turned out that Nastya had almost no chance of getting pregnant. Nastya comes to the orphanage, where she shares her experiences with the head. The girl is allowed to take the boy home for the night.

Yegor is a difficult child, two years ago he suffered a psychological trauma, due to which he stopped talking. What exactly happened to him, no one knows. Nastya and Yegor have a great time together. But when the girl returns Yegor to the orphanage, it turns out that the boy is being watched by the guards of one of the prisons - little Yegor knows where a million dollars are hidden ...



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The Doctor Leaves Last

26 minutes - HungaryUkraine 2014

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Svіtlana Shimko

Volunteer doctor Tanya was at the forefront during the bloodiest days on the Maidan. After the ceasefire, she remains in Kyiv to treat the wounded. Meanwhile, the undeclared war with the Russian Federation begins in eastern Ukraine. Tanya has to go to the front again.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0