Bogdan Khmelnitsky

42 minutes - Ukraine 1996

Genre DocumentaryBiographicalHistorical

Category Short documentary

Director Volodimir Artemenko

The film is dedicated to a prominent political and military figure - Bohdan Khmelnytsky and reveals his role in the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people against Polish rule.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The Favorite Teacher

Ukraine 2016

Genre Drama

Director Leonіd Bielozorovich

With the appearance of new teacher at school, the life of high school senior Ignat Kalinin has changed once and for all. From the very first glance he understands that Ulyana Sergeyevna is the love of his life. As for the young teacher, she dismisses the boy’s feelings as not serious enough...The school year goes by with the first love, first life lessons, first trials and a hope for real life starting after the last class hour ends. A fight erupts at the graduation, and Ignat’s best friend dies at the police station. This murder is attributed to the main character, and his life falls to pieces.

The boy faces jail and betrayal, jealousy and wish for revenge; he feels guilty and tries to get on with his life… How to manage all of it? Ignat finds strength and hope in his first school love, but will he be able to keep this beautiful feeling intact after all tribulations? Will Ulyana Sergeyevna listen to her heart? And who is to answer for the broken destinies of these people?



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The War That Changed Rondo

15 minutes - Ukraine 2020

Genre AnimationScreen adaptation

Category Short animation

Director Olyha Havrilova

Based on the book of the same name by the creative studio Art Studio Agrafka.

The film represents a story about a war that has no heart and does not understand any language, but touches everyone and leaves scars on everyone.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

14 minutes - 2011

Genre DramaScreen adaptation

Category Short

Director Yelizaveta Klyuzko

Екранізація оповідання Гі де Мопасана «Прикрість».

Історія про людину, що занадто пізно дізналась про головну свою ваду – пасивність.

Історія розгортається в наш час. Головним героєм є самотній чоловік в літах, що живе в маленькому українському селі. Одного дня він вирішує дізнатись, чому саме він залишається один. У цьому йому допомагає його сусідка.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Ukraine 2021

Genre Melodrama

Director Roman Brovko

Марія працює процедурною медсестрою. Мрія всього її життя – стати професійним кондитером. Здобувши премію, вона вирішує витратити її на себе і записується на майстерклас відомого кухаря.

Чоловік і доросла падчерка цю ідею не підтримують, особливо коли дізнаються, що курси коштували Маші 300 євро. Все змінюється, коли чоловік травмує руку, і на лікування терміново потрібні великі гроші. Марія стає відповідальною за майбутнє родини.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Little Enchantress

100 minutes - Ukraine

Genre Children'sComedy

Category Full-length

Director Oleh Zborovsykiy

Mariyka, 11 y.o. girl, dreams of becoming a Tik-Tok star. Her father Mykhailo works as a border patrol officer. Money is tight for him and he is unable to come to a decision – is he going to be a good officer, or a rich one. Mariyka’s mother died while giving birth and all Mykhailo’s girlfriends are rejected by Mariyka.
When her Grandad dies, Mariyka and her father travel to the village to attend the funeral.

In the village, Mariyka and Mykhailo meet a local businessman – Vasyl. He offers a high price to buy the house of Mariyka’s Grandad. Actually, Vasyl is interested in the plot of land in the forest, which he wants to cut down and not the house. Mariyka is excited to quickly sell the house and return home, but Mykhailo is taking his time. Mykhailo’s high-school love, Olena, is working as a veterinarian in the village.
Suddenly, Mariyka realizes that she can now speak with animals. Sylvester, a forest cat, becomes her new friend. The cat explains that the girl inherited this gift from her Grandad, who was also an enchanter.

But not all the animals are “cute and fluffy”. Just like people, they have their own conflicts and issues, with which, they come to the new enchantress. Mariyka is afraid of the responsibility and convinces her dad to go back to the city.
But on the way home, Mariyka sees the cut-down forests and meets the poor animals, who are left homeless. She understands that the same thing will happen with the forest of her Grandad, so Mariyka decides to save her new furry friends. Will she be able to regain the trust of the animals and to save the Carpathian forests? 



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Bort On Lanzarote

31 minutes - Ukraine 2021

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Oleksandr Hughelya

Фільм про спортсмена аматора, який кинув виклик найскладнішій дистанції в триатлоні.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


81 minutes - GermanyUkraine 2017

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Oleksandr Techinsykiy


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


20 minutes - UkraineIran 2016

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Hanna Jalali


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0