Game of fate: The secret of love. Alexandria

15 minutes - Ukraine 2006

Genre DocumentaryBiographical

Director Vasily Vіter

A film from the series Game of Fate.

When they met, she was a seventeen-year-old orphan. He is a Guards officer. Alexander Engelgerdt and Gregory Potemkin.

About the love of the favorite of Empress Catherine II Gregory Potemkin and Countess Alexandra Engelhardt-Branitskaya, who kept the secret of his burial in his garden "Alexandria" in Bila Tserkva.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Who are you. Who am I. From a scientific point of view

25 minutes - Ukraine 2016

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Anna Kalіnіchenko

He came to us because he just needed to live somewhere. From Luhansk, through the Crimea to Kyiv. Then he moved because we just couldn't live next door. A common language could not be found either. We are different, but have we tried to understand each other?


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Опасно свободный человек

52 minutes - Ukraine 2004

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Roman Shirman


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


22 minutes - Ukraine 2015

Genre MysticismHorror

Category Short

Director Dmytro Golumbevskyi

Нічний супермаркет. Хлопець забирає дівчину з роботи, але в темряві маркету він щось бачить...це привид чи його видіння?!


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Poem about stars

100 minutes - Ukraine

Genre Drama

Category Full-length

Director Dmitro Kashuba


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

51 minutes - Ukraine 2021

Genre DocumentaryInvestigation

Director Oleksandr Stratonov

Коли бізнес тернополянина Віталія Вітрука зруйнував коронавірус, але сім’ю годувати треба було, виходом стала робота за кордоном. Та замість обіцяної вакансії на нього чекав відчай у лісі десь у Чехії. Чоловікові вдалося повернутися, і він вирішив зробити все можливе, щоб ті, хто обдурив його, не змогли обдурити інших.

З іншими шахраями боровся Віталій Ходоровський з Івано-Франківська – один з сотень тих, хто став жертвою чи не найбільшої афери, у яку потрапили українські заробітчани. Розбиратися у тому, що сталося, беруться журналісти. Їм вдається розплутати шахрайський клубок швидше за поліцію.

«Робота за кордоном. Польща, Чехія, Фінляндія. Вакансії»,– такими оголошеннями заповнені соцмережі та сайти з оголошеннями. Утім нерідко виявляється, що це шахрайство.

Як кидають українців? Фільм-розслідування «Продам роботу (дорого)» – про тих, хто успішно заробляє, вводячи в оману заробітчан, та про неспроможність держави цьому запобігти.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Bars. Unfinished business

56 minutes - Ukraine 2023

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Maria Yaremchuk

The film tells the story of the participant of the national liberation war against the Russian invaders, the People's Hero of Ukraine volunteer Valery Krasnian (call sign “Bars”), who started his war in Donetsk region in 2014 and ended it in Kharkiv region in 2023, forever inscribing his name in pantheon of new Ukrainian heroes. The viewer will see “Bars” from three different perspectives: how his relatives remember him, how he will remain in the memory of his compatriots and friends and comrades-in-arms. These perspectives provide an opportunity to understand the voluminous, multifaceted figure of Valery Krasnyan, to learn about his views and principles in life, to plunge into the contradictions of his nature, to admire his warrior spirit, and to pay full tribute to his feat. The stories about “Bars” create a unique collection of living stories, which, amazingly intertwined, paint the viewer a true portrait of the hero.

The authors of the film are convinced that harsh times pose tough questions not only to each of us individually, but also to the entire society. How did this war happen to us? Where did we go wrong? What historical lessons have not been learned? And what is considered to be the history at all? How do we get out of the sticky web of fiction and propaganda and touch the true path? Authors of the documentary “Bars. Unfinished business” suggests starting from today. After all, real history is not dates and milestones. These are not significant events and individual actors. History is people. Their lives, their destinies: pains and joys, accomplishments and mistakes, that is a real history.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0