Kobzar in the steppes of Kazakhstan

30 minutes - UkraineKazakhstan 2017

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Yevhen Kozak

The film is dedicated to the memory of Ivan Mykolaychuk (June 15, 1941 - August 3, 1987).

With great realistic force, the everyday qualities in Shevchenko's work of the period of exile were revealed. He respected the national character, customs, peculiarities of the behavior of Kazakhs and Turkmen. He chose heroes for his sepia from among the democratic lower classes and portrayed them with sincere sympathy.

An interesting theme in the household compositions of this period is the life of Kazakh children.

Shevchenko's talent as a landscape painter was fully revealed during his work in the Archaeological Commission and later in expeditions to the Aral Sea and the Karatau Mountains.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Game of fate: Dawn of the evening

13 minutes - Ukraine 2005

Genre DocumentaryBiographical

Director Oleh Turansykiy

A film from the series Game of Fate.

Recognition of talent and voice came to Boris Romanovich Hmyra in the late 30's of XX century. The voice was given to him by God. The whole world wanted to hear and see Hmyr. And in Ukraine he was uncomfortable. After all, he could not be forgiven for his forced stay in the occupied territories under the Germans, although the Germans appreciated his talent and offered to leave Ukraine, but he refused. But over the years, fate gives Hmyra "evening star".

About the great love of Boris Hmyra.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Loli Kali Shuba

52 minutes - Ukraine 2013

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Oleksandr Balahura

Loli kali fur coat - so in Transcarpathia Roma children call the insect a sun… They, like all children in general, take it in their hands and sing her a song: "sun, fly, fly to the sky"… And the sun spreads its wings and flies… Flies, of course, "to heaven"… Well, children grow up and become "adults"…

An essay about a journey "twenty years later" to the "old" places with the hope of meeting one of the characters in his twenty-year-old film.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

54 minutes - Ukraine 2008

Genre DocumentaryHistoricalBiographical

Category Full-length documentary

Director Natalіya Suscheva

У фільмі подано інтерв'ю з відомими українцями: політиками, істориками, громадськими діячами, які розповідають про трагедію України, дають оцінку подіям 1932-1933 років та згадують видатного історика і дослідника Голодомору Джеймса Мейса.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


23 minutes - Ukraine 2013

Genre Mysticism

Category Short

Director Dmytro Golumbevskyi

Дві дівчинки тікають вночі з інтернату, і потрапляють до нічного парку розваг: там їх зустрічає таємничий незнайомець...


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

From the window I see the mountains

90 minutes - Ukraine

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Snizhana Gusarevych

Under the watchful eye of Snizhana's camera, she loses the meaning of identifying himself by nationality. Her war does not kill people, but creates new relationships.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

39 minutes - Ukraine 2023

Genre Documentary

Category Short

Director Denis Vozovich


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Ukraine 2017

Genre HistoricalAdventure

Category Full-length

Director Valerіy Shaliha

В основу сюжету покладено історію кохання на тлі шпигунських ігор української та більшовицької контррозвідок під час державної зустрічі очільників України та Польщі у Вінниці 17 травня 1920 року.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


4 minutes - Ukraine 2017

Genre Animation

Director Mikita Lisykov

There are many things to remember. About the people, the events, the music, the books I read ... but the most important thing to remember is that it's over. It is this knowledge that makes sense of everything that is happening.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0