The Surrogate

6 minutes - Ukraine 2020

Genre Animation

Category Short animation

Director Stas Santіmov

A man destroys the nest of an unknown creepy creature. But it’s not the most horrible creature he will meet tonight.

The film is part of the almanac of Ukrainian short films Ukrainian New Wave. Reboot.



Movie Critics: 8, Spectators: 0


19 minutes - Ukraine 2007

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Roman Bondarchuk

A taxi driver falls in love with a young female passenger in his car. He makes a decision to marry her and entices her to his house. The woman gets scared and tries to escape, but the taxi driver locks her up in the bathroom and starts getting ready to perform the wedding ceremony …


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


Ukraine 2010

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Halina Chernyak

The film is based on a real story - a family drama that took place with the main character Elena Dukelskaya and her foreign husband.

Constant troubles in the family led to divorce. The man forcibly takes the three-year-old child from the mother and leaves. The main character tries to get her daughter back through the courts, but all attempts fail. Losing her last hope, she takes a desperate step and jumps off the bridge, but by God's will she stays alive.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Testament of Joseph the Blind

210 minutes - Ukraine 1995

Genre DocumentaryBiographical

Category Full-length documentary

Director Alexander Koval (IV)

About the difficult fate of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

The film contains 4 parts: "Wreath of Thorns", "Ridges on me", "Neophytes", "And not the seventh seal".



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Colors of time

60 minutes - Ukraine 1998

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Volodimir Shklyarevsykiy


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Myroslav's women

33 minutes - Ukraine 2011

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Danilo Sirih


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

19 minutes - Ukraine 2020

Genre Arthouse

Category Short

Director Rodіon Leschina

Колі 23 і він досі живе з бабусею. Він марить бути клоуном. Йому вдалося влаштуватися уніформістом в цирку, і сьогодні його перша нічна зміна. Він нарешті зробив крок до своєї мрії, і мрія теж, зробила до нього крок.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Лінія життя

30 minutes - Ukraine 2021

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Elena Rubashevska

Фільм про гарячу лінію по запобіганню суїцидам в Україні і людей, які працюють в ній 24/7.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


15 minutes - Ukraine 2022

Genre DramaDocumentary and game

Category Short

Director Тимофій Бінюков


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

47 minutes - Ukraine 2022

Genre DocumentaryWar

Director Anton Hoyda

Перший фільм трилогії «Воєнна розвідка України: на морі, у небі, на землі» присвячений повітряній логістичній операції навесні 2022 року з постачання гарнізону оборонців Маріуполя необхідних вантажів та евакуації поранених.  


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0