Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre DramaHistorical
Production company Kіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra Dovghenka
Directors Serhіy Omelychuk
Screenwriter Bohdan GholdakSerhіy OmelychukLeonid Cherevatenko
Director of photography (DOP) Vіtalіy Zimovecy
Production Designer Oleksandr Sheremet
Composers Oleh Kіva
Sound Directors Yevhen PastuhovOleksandr Celymer
Сostume designer Nadіya Kovalenko
Makeup artists Nіna Odinovich
Second Director Anatolіy KucherenkoYurіy Homenko
Leading actors Volodymyr HolubovychVolodimir ZozulyaІnna KapіnosMykhailo HolubovychSerhіy KucherenkoYurіy MuravicykiyYurіy YevsyukovOleksandr ZadnіprovsykiyV'yacheslav DubіnіnVolodimir AbazopuloKostyantin VorobyovNazar ZadnіprovsykiyYulіya TkachenkoRaisa NedashkіvsykaAndrii PodubynskyiLіdіya YaremchukSerhіy KrghechkovsykiyValerіy ShevchenkoІrina Frolova
Supporting Actors Volodimir AndreievAnatolii BarchukMykola BondarSerhіy BondarT. BratersykiyVolodymyr VolkovOleksandr HerelesSerhіy HubenkoOleksandr DanilenkoVіktor DanilychenkoLeonіd DanchishinSerhіy DvorecykiyD. EnnanovYevhen KamіnsykiyІhor KlimovichMarharita KoshelievaMikola KovalenkoYurіy KrіtenkoAnatolіy KucherenkoArtur LіHanna LevchenkoS. LіschukOleh MaslennіkovAndrii MorozVolodimir OleksіienkoMykola OliinykOlyha Reus-PetrenkoІvan SimonenkoYu. StarodubViktor StepanenkoІrina TereschenkoVolodimir TkachenkoOleksandr TriznaKosta TurіievYurіy HomenkoVolodymyr FesenkoYevhen ShahS. ShishkіnІhor YakovenkoМаксим Коваль (II)Oleksіy Moroz
According to Spiridon Cherkasenko's novel The Adventures of a Young Knight.
For many years, Ukrainians have been deprived of the oppression of Polish landowners. And finally there was a man, Hetman Bogdan Khmelnytsky, who led all those who were not indifferent to the fate and freedom of their native country.
Young young man Pavel Pohilenko goes from his native Kanev to January to fight for freedom and Orthodox faith.
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