Forward, for the treasures of the hetman!
93 minutes - Ukraine, United States - 1993
Status Completed
Format Film
Category Full-length
Production company Omnі Sfera Yukreyn Іnvestmens KoFest-ZemlyaKіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra Dovghenka
Directors Vadim Kastellі
Screenwriter Leonіd SlucykiyVasily Trubay (Karasyov)Vadim Kastellі
Director of photography (DOP) Vitalii Zaporozhchenko
Production Designer Oleksandr DanilenkoOleksandr Sheremet
Composers Іhor Stecyuk
Sound Directors Volodimir Sulіmov
Film editor Natalіya Borovsyka
Сostume designer Valerіya Ghuravlyova
Makeup artists Tamara Holovchenko
Producer Іhor FedorovichVolodimir Savelyiev
Leading actors Oleksandr BondarenkoYurіy YevsyukovYevhen PaperniyYuriy MazhugaPetro BenyukGeorgiy DrozdNatalіya HebdovsykaMarina ShirshovaLіna KondratovaYurіy MarchenkoSerhіy LihovidOleksandr MilyutinBoris AleksandrovYurіy KomіsarovOleksandr DubovichYurіy OksanichKostyantin NahorniyPeter BeigerMikola HudzyHanna LevchenkoІhor MіhalkіnZan OmarІhor StecyukV'yacheslav FіlіnOlena DukelysykaNatalіya RozkokohaMatvіy BlovacykiyAnatolіy Luk'yanenkoOleksandr HudkovHeorhіy SaakyanSerhіy SerheievVolodimir TalashkoArkadіy YakovlievVolodimir RomanovsykiyMihaylo HrabrovVolodimir YaremenkoNatalіya YushkіnaHeorhіy SuvorovOleksandr Doroshenko
Supporting Actors Katerina ArtemenkoOleksandr AheienkovPol AndersonBoris BoldirevsykiyDmitro VakulenkoSerhіy HavrilyukІ. HontarOleksіy HorbunovN. HrecykaOleksіy DronnіkovP. DzyubaM. DuhnovsykiyOleksіy DovhanyMihaylo ІhnatovV'yacheslav KotkoVadim KastellіV. KachmarO. KovalychukV. KostyuchenkoK. KurtukovO. KrikunovV. LavrentyievM. LipinsykiyH. LemeshevMykola MalashenkoDgheyms MіkYurіy MisenkovD. MorozІ. MazoІ. MorozD. MalіkovGalina NekhayevskayaValerіy NakonechniyO. NaradoviySerhii PidgornyP. ProcenkoN. RomanovO. RohRobert SіlіS. SamborV. SurkovV. SuhonyakOleksandr TolstihVolodimir TkachenkoNіna SharolapovaOleksandr SheremetVadim FaleievYurіy Homenko
In ancient times, the Ukrainian hetman sent treasures with his son to the British bank, hoping that Ukraine would later get rid of the yoke and then gold would help the people. He told his son and the code. Even today, KGB agents and alien spies are hunting the hegman's descendant Ivan Polubotko, a boy phlegmatic and not far off, to help him acquire treasures.
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