Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Action movieHistoricalWar
Production company Good Morning FilmsThe BackyardLogicalbox
Distributor B&H Film Distribution Company
Directors Oleksii Shaparev
Screenwriter Oleksii ShaparevKostiantyn Konovalov
Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Pіvnenko
Production Designer Vladlen Odudenko
Composers Marco Morini
Sound Directors Andrіy Sokolik
Film editor Maksim LіnecykiyFrancesco ManzittiMihaylo Hodak
Сostume designer Yana Nіkіtenko
Makeup artists Ksenіya Halychenko
Second Director Danilo DedkovAnatolіy Himich
Operator Anastasіya Atamanchuk
Casting director Oksana Martynyuk (II)
Producer Andrii Korniienko
Executive Producers Taras BosakArtem Koliubaiev
Leading actors Evhenii LamakhAndrіy FedіnchikNadіya KoversykaVіtalіy SalіyAlex TritenkoTomasz SobczakVolodimir FіlatovMaksym DonetsOleksandr PіskunovOleksandr OleksenkoBohdan YusipchukNatalіya VasykoMarіchka ShaparievaYevhen NischukMaksim BіlonohovNіkіta ChaievsykiyMykola PerestiukSergii DzialykOleksіy SmolkaDmitro StupkaDmytro Oliinyk
Supporting Actors Ostap StupkaNazar BurhartRoman YasinovskyiVladlen PupkovOleksandr AbaievPolіna VasilinaAlіna KovalenkoVladislav NіkіtyukOleksandr MelynikPavlo AldoshinHanna OhіyYaroslav BezkorovaynyiVasyl KukharskyiYevhen Oliinyk (II)Serhіy SolopayYevhen BondarsykiyYurіy KovalenkoValentin KasyyanRovshan HuseynovІrina RoghdestvensykaYurіy LіzenhevichTaras CimbalyukAndrіy GhurbaDmitro MalahovVolodimir PravosudovAndrіy HorіshevsykiyVasily LyubunyaOleksіy TopchіyRoman PasіkaPavlo KlimukOleh SamohvalovVіtalіy HolovenykoV'yacheslav HolovenykoVasyl Melnyk (II)Vіtalіy LisiyOleksіy DichkaVіktor DrakVladislav LebіdyVladislav MoskvіchovVladislav SolohorRoman LyashkoSerhіy VasilenkoSerhіy PariduhaYurіy ProkopishinVolodimir KolesnіkovOleh KrivoruchkoErіka KolyubaievaAmіna KolyubaievaVolodimir BoholіOleh LucenkoHennadіy AksyonenkoSerhіy MuhіnDmitro Mar'yanichMark HordovsykiyOleh LebedinsykiyTymofii SkrypnykVladislav BіhunOleksіy VerhovenyMihaylo ІvanovDanilo DusheykoYurіy CaryІhor ChuykoMikola AleksandrovАндрій Максимов (II)Vadim SinyavsykiyAndrіy KozirKostyantin ShiryaievAnton NadolysykiyDenis PіlіpenkoHlіb ZaycevPavel KashchukKostyantin TimoshenkoDmitro MavlyanovYaroslav Leschenko
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language UkrainianRussianFrench
Premiere in Ukraine 29 january 2019
Rental in Ukraine with 07 february 2019
Budget ₴ 51 941 335
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 7 253 171
Spectators in cinemas 97706
January 1918. Bolshevik detachments are rapidly approaching Kiev, seeking to establish Soviet power on Ukrainian lands. The city is filled with Trotsky's agents, there is agitation of the proletarians. Mykhailo Hrushevsky publishes IV Universal – on protection of Ukraine. In the defense of the homeland, all combat-capable UNR troops are becoming. The Kruty Railway Station, through which the Bolsheviks must pass through the capital, will be protected by 400 young men, students and cadets. Among the defenders are Andrew and Alexei Savitsky, sons of the general.
The film is based on real events.
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