Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre DramaHistorical
Production company Telekanal ATR
Directors Axtem Seitablaev
Screenwriter Mikola Ribalka
Director of photography (DOP) Volodimir Іvanov (II)
Production Designer Shevket Seydametov
Composers Serhii KrutsenkoDghemіly Karіkov
Sound Directors Serhіy Savchenko
Film editor Serhіy Klepach
Сostume designer Nadіya Kudryavceva
Makeup artists Alla MelynikOlena Bondarieva
Second Director Yevhen Doronіn
Operator Oleksandr Onoprіienko
Producer Іvanna DyadyuraLenus Іslyamov
Leading actors Axtem SeitablaevOleksіy HorbunovValerіy ShitovalovUsnіie HalіlovaYurіy CuriloAndrіy SamіnіnAndrіy MostrenkoDmitro SurghikovHuram BablіshvіlіDіnara AvazNazli SeіtablaievaMykola BoklanAlex TritenkoRasіm YusupovLesia Samaieva
Supporting Actors Oleh DorohіnYevhen ChornorayIhor SalimonovDanilo KristіnNіyara MenghitovaSubіie NalbantovaEmіne DghavdetovaEmіlіya ІbrahіmovaOleh KornіshinZarema BіlyalovaOleksandr CherkaschenkoІrina DemidkіnaYurіy MihaylovsykiyKaterina Fedchenko-PrilepsykaTetyana Drozd-ІsmailovaKerim SuleymanovZeynab YahyyaievaYevhen DoronіnOleksandr NaumenkoVolodimir KryuchkovRuslan AblaievValerіy Molchanyuk
Creation year 2013
Country Ukraine
Language RussianCrimean Tatar
Premiere in Ukraine 17 may 2013
Rental in Ukraine with 18 may 2013
The story of Stalin's deportation of Crimean Tatars, made in May 1944. This tragic page in the history of the Crimean Tatar people is shown through the glance of the famous pilot, the national hero of the Crimean Tatars, Amet Khan Sultan: after the expulsion of the Nazi invaders from Crimea, the military command allowed Amet Khan together with his combat companions to visit their parents in Alupka. By coincidence, during the pilots' stay in Alupka, the NKVD operation on the forced deportation of the Crimean Tatars occurred. The Soviet ace, feared by German pilots, was unable to protect its people from the crime of the Stalinist regime.
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