Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Adventure
Production company INSIGHTMEDIA GROUP
Directors Vіktor AndrіienkoІhor Pisymenniy
Screenwriter Vіktor AndrіienkoІhor Pisymenniy
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Krishtalovich
Production Designer Igor Filippov
Composers Іhor Stecyuk
Sound Directors Oleh Kulychicykiy
Film editor Vіktor Malyarenko
Makeup artists Olena Polіschuk (II)
Producer Igor FilippovAndrіy SuyarkoAlla Ovsiannikova
Leading actors Dmitro HaladghiLeonіd ShevchenkoІvanna SahnoVіktor AndrіienkoOlyha SumsykaІhor PisymenniyVasily VіrastyukAlla Prykhodko
Supporting Actors V'yacheslav HіndіnVladislav PіnchukSergey RomanyukOleksandr ZadnіprovsykiyBoris BarsykiyVolodimir KomarovІhor MіroshnichenkoOleh Hrihor'ievBohdan BeniukOleh PrimohenovDmitro TіmchevMikola SvіtlicykiyVasily BendasVadim TupchіyVolodimir SvistunovMikola LucenkoІhor ArtnautovSerhіy KonyushokOleksіy VertinsykiyYevhen PaperniyOleksandr LobanovSerhіy ShmihoraYehor KrutoholovІhor KіstolAlla PrykhodkoV'yacheslav BohushevsykiyOleksandr Hrihoriev
Creation year 2013
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 03 october 2013
Rental in Ukraine with 03 october 2013
Budget ₴ 15 631 762
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 700 000
Based on the book by Alexander Gavrosh The Incredible Adventures of Ivan Silya.
An extraordinary story about the surprisingly strong, kind and true in the feelings and actions of the hero, about his amazing friends and unexpected enemies. The prototype of the main character of the film was the Ukrainian circus strongman Ivan Firtsak, who in 1928 was recognized as the most powerful man on the planet. At the height of his career in the United States, he stopped playing, breaking his contract and paying a hefty fine - and returned home. The film recreates the separate pages of the life of young Ivan, who has been worthy of serious trials, matured and became an invincible giant of strength and spirit.
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