Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company Harmata fіlym
Directors Valentin Vasyanovich
Screenwriter Valentin VasyanovichІya MislicykaMachey SobeschansykiyMalhoghata Sobeschansyka
Director of photography (DOP) Yurіy Dunay
Production Designer Vladlen Odudenko
Composers Kostyantin BushinsykiyOleksandra MorozovaValentin VasyanovichBoris ShkoloviyOlyha PetruchenyaSerhіy Chehodaiev
Sound Directors Andrіy RohachovІrina Skripchenko
Film editor Valentin VasyanovichMaksim Vasyanovich
Сostume designer Hala Otenko
Makeup artists Hanna Lukashenko
Producer Іya MislicykaMarіanna Novіkova
Executive Producers Іrina Konovalova
Leading actors Taras DenisenkoLesya SamaievaVitaliy Linetskiy
Supporting Actors Semen FurmanYan VasyanovichYurіy ShulyhanDmitro RibalevsykiyOleh PrimohenovOlena UzlyukValentina ІschenkoNatalіya NadiradzeTamara YacenkoMihaylo ІllienkoAnatolіy ZezyulіnV'yacheslav SlankoV'yacheslav DudkoVіktorіya TopchіyVіktor DemertashOleksandr ShevchukNіna NabokaStanіslav SamarsykiyNatalіya VasykoVіktor StepanenkoVіktor DacenkoІhor HniezdіlovOleksandr VolodіnVіktorіya ІvchenkoLina BudnykOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaStanіslav SchokіnYurіy AndrіievsykiyYevhenіya DrahunovaVіtalіy KapranovZіnaida VolosnikovaYurіy BoberSerhіy KalantayІrina SadovsykaPavlo LiVolodimir KuznecovBoris KnighenkoSerhіy SavchukSerhіy BesiedіnІhor SlobodskyiRuslan HofurovV'yacheslav KoshelievMikola ZaynchkіvsykiyOleksіy DehtyarLyudmila ShpitalievaNіna ІvanovaRima KarabutaMikola KosenkoAnton VovkNіna SlonchakValentin VasyanovichBohdan DoroshenkoOleksandr HebdovsykiyOleksіy Moroz (II)Sergii SalomatinVіktor SchurVladlen OdudenkoІvan MikitenkoIvan SautkinRoman KlimpushOleksandr DrozdovsykiyOleh OlifіrenkoAndrіy MorozAnton MatyukRoman ShomaSerhіy RozachSerhіy RahovOleh KicenkoOleksandr ShacSerhіy SorokіnVolodimir MatvіienkoTatiana MatvienkoVasily ShepelyOlena ShepelyLyudmila LatenkoLarisa ShaporenkoValerіy RohovikArtur AslanyanІvan KreghenstovsykiyNіna KreghenstovsykaІhor MachulaYurіy SumenkovVіtalіy LazorenkoLyudmila SaienkoSerhіy ІlynicykiyHanna GhivotovsykaAnna ІvasenkoІhor YaroshevsykiyLіlіya KrimsykaAnatolіy KoritovNatalіia Avramenko (II)
Creation year 2013
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 07 february 2013
Rental in Ukraine with 07 february 2013
Budget ₴ 6 366 184
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 90 000
The protagonist, the hereditary doctor Tolik, is expelled from work for a fight with patients. The hero considers this event a good sign to start a new life. Finally, his dream will be to become a "free" poet, and if he is lucky - even famous, because he writes poems, and indeed, not bad. It is very nice that at this moment there will be an old friend Slavik who knows everything: what is the meaning of life, how to make money, how to become happy. He draws the hero into a series of absurd situations in which Tolik loses almost everything he has. Probably the most dramatic situations with the family and adventures with Slavic will be the impetus for writing really good poems, which will then be included in the collection.
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