Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company Pronto Fіlym
Distributor 86PROKAT
Directors Victoria Trofimenko
Screenwriter Victoria Trofimenko
Director of photography (DOP) Yaroslav Pіlunsykiy
Production Designer Vladlen OdudenkoІvan Tischenko
Composers Svyatoslav Lunyov
Sound Directors Yevhen Petrus
Film editor Khodakivska TetianaAndrii Dovhyi
Сostume designer Іrina Herhely
Makeup artists Marіya PіlunsykaTetyana HerlakLyudmila Semashko
Second Director Kіra SmorodsykaKhodakivska Tetiana
Operator Іllya Zaharov (III)Oleksіy Kapustіn
Casting director Alla Samoylenko
Producer Maksim AsadchiyIgor SavychenkoVictoria Trofimenko
Executive Producers Maksim Asadchiy
Leading actors Natalіya PolovinkaOleh MosіychukMykola BerezaVіktor DemertashRoman LutskyiVeronika Shostak
Supporting Actors Yurіy DenisenkovOrest YahishOleksandr BuhinaMikola BіklyanІvan StehuraNazar PіdberecykiyLev SkopMikola DіdikІllya Zaharov (III)Mikola RusnakRuslan VovkanecyІvan PіdberecykiyVasilina KutOleksіy ZahuraOleksandr LavrovStanіslav RatushniyFedіr KalinichNatalіya NatalushkoOleksandr VisovenyVasily SkuncyYaroslav DzendzerovichYurіy KutRuslan PronovichІvan HorvatBohdan RoghkoOlyha DaynekaSerhіy VelikiyІvan ArsіmchukTetyana LucheykoHanna Shunevich
Creation year 2013
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
World Premiere 28 november 2013
Premiere in Ukraine 18 september 2014
Rental in Ukraine with 24 september 2015
Budget ₴ 16 134 000
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 334 387
Spectators in cinemas 7000
Based on the work of Torgni Lindgren's Bumblebee Honey.
The two Hutsul brothers always divided everything into two: mother, toys, right to be called the best, one woman, one son. But there was an event in their life after which they had not spoken for 40 years. In their provincial town a writer arrives to read a lecture about the saints and the wicked at a local monastery. Among the listeners is a grandfather named Wojtko. The writer gradually enters Voitko's life and meets his brother. It becomes a link between two brothers whose meaning of life lies in the confrontation: one who will live longer and will not comfort the other with his death.
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