Family Album

97 minutes - Ukraine - 2023

Status Completed

Release date21 november 2024
No trailer

Format Film

Category Full-length documentary

Genre Documentary

Production company Good Morning Films

Distributor B&H Film Distribution Company

Directors Marina Tkachuk (II)

Screenwriter Marina Tkachuk (II)

Director of photography (DOP) V'yacheslav Rakovsykiy

Composers Hossein Mirzagholi

Sound Directors Andrіy Obod

Film editor Oleksii Taranenko (II)


Producer Andrii Korniienko

Executive Producers Zlata Yefіmenko

Line Producers Anastasіya Atamanchuk

Speakers Katerina KachanMihaylo VoychukSerhіy Solopay

Creation year 2023

Country Ukraine

Language Ukrainian

Premiere in Ukraine 25 october 2023

Rental in Ukraine with 21 november 2024

Ten years ago, British photographer Samara Pierce accidentally learned an incredible story about her family: her

great-grandfather, Austrian Alexander Wienerberger, witnessed the Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-1933. He took historical photos of starving Kharkiv with his camera, managed to take them as diplomatic mail to Austria, and thus became the main photographer of the Holodomor in Ukraine. Wienerberger wanted the world to know about the genocide of Ukrainians and stop it, but the Austrian engineer was not heard. After finding her great-grandfather's camera and an album with shocking photos from Ukraine, Samara completely rethinks her career as a photographer. Now her career is completely connected to Ukraine, the Holodomor, and the current Russian-Ukrainian war. Feeling a connection to her great-grandfather, 90 years after the Holodomor, Samara embarks on a creative expedition to the Kharkiv region to take her own photographs of the genocide of Ukrainians that continues to this day.


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