Format Film
Category Full-length documentary
Genre Documentary
Production company Hrupa KіnotronStudija Kinema
Distributor Arthaus Trafіk
Directors Oleksіy Radinsykiy
Screenwriter Oleksіy Radinsykiy
Director of photography (DOP) Maks Savchenko
Composers Andrii Borysenko
Sound Directors Andrii BorysenkoBob Sheviakov
Film editor Mikola Bazarkіn
Operator Oleksіy Radinsykiy
Producer Lyuba Knorozok
Executive Producers Kenan Aliiev
Creation year 2022
Country UkraineUnited States
World Premiere 26 january 2022
Premiere in Ukraine 12 november 2022
Rental in Ukraine with 30 november 2023
Florìan Jur'jev wasn’t a filmmaker as such, even if moving images and the interaction of lights and sounds did play a major part in his art – which one could describe as the most expanded of cinema. Jur'jev was a painter who developed a whole theory of colour and musicality. He was an architect whose most famous creation was also used as a movie hall, and was designed to host what he called Light Theatre performances. And as a true man of the 20th century, he did, of course, shoot films – yet without ever feeling the need to finish them.
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