Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre Detective
Production company FILM.UA GroupFayno-kompanі UkrainaRevolution Cinema
Directors Andrіy Benkendorf
Screenwriter Denis ZamrіyAndrii Maksymenko
Director of photography (DOP) Igor Ivanov (IV)
Production Designer Oleksandr Kononov
Composers Volodymyr Kripak
Sound Directors Serhіy Movchan
Film editor Andrіy Shtern
Сostume designer Oksana Tіmonіna
Makeup artists Svіtlana Polіkashkіna
Second Director Halina Ostrova
Operator Mihaylo Kretov
Producer Vіktor MirsykiyVolodimir LipoviySerhіy Dyabely
Executive Producers Іhor TarnopolysykiyMaksim Dmitruk (II)Yulіya Stahovsyka
Leading actors Lev DurovSerhіy NikonenkoNatalіya Hudkova
Supporting Actors Vasily BashaOleksandr HetmanskyiOleh SavkіnLeonіd TіtovPetro BoykoSerhіy MelynikOleksandr LohіnovNіna KastorfMikola LozovsykiyMikola TischenkoVіktor ShestakovValіd ArfushValerіy HolovanenkoMarіya GhulayYulіya StahovsykaDmitro KrupnіkІhor CehlinsykiyDmitro SurghikovOleksandr KrikunІhor PіsniyVіtalіy SalіyOlyha RadchukHalina KornieievaBoris AbramovYurіy KiselyovTaras ProzorovsykiySerhіy Stecenko (III)Nazim BedіrovOlena StecenkoMatvіy BіdniyLarisa HubіnaSerhіy ShilovSerhіy SavelyievRostislav BeyderDmitro KorchinsykiyІhor DelіievOleh ChernevsykiyAndrіy HricayOksana RyabokonyTimur MazurMarko Hresy-ArsenyievSerhіy ZubricykiyVlada LitovchenkoSerhіy KonyushokІnna KruhlikYurіy MeghinsykiyOleksіy StahovsykiyLіdіya StahovsykaBoris BarsykiyNatalіya Valevsyka
Andrey Andreevich and Oleg Borisovich are both retired colonels. One of them headed a local KGB department and the other a local police station. But time came to retire and hand over the life-work to the younger. Though quiet regular life is not their cup of tea…
A brutal murder of a famous businessman and police’s inaction make the retired officers remember their field service skills and declare war to the local crime groups. They skillfully manipulate events and cause clashes among crime groups. As a result, the latter start destroying one another. When the State Office of Public Prosecutor learns about the situation in the city, they knowingly send there a seemingly hopeless detective, Elena Reshetnikova. However, Elena proves to be a truly professional investigator.
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