Format Film
Category Full-length documentary
Genre WarHistoricalFamilyArthouseDocudrama
Production company Ukrkіnohronіka
Directors Olga Samolevska
Screenwriter Olga Samolevska
Director of photography (DOP) Vіtalіy Borovik
Composers Olena Frolova-Leschenko
Sound Directors Anton KocarDmitro KopilovYevhen Bednenko
Film editor Vіtalіy Borovik
Producer Natalіya Shevchuk (II)
Leading actors Ada RohovcevaLesy TanyukBoris OlіynikHalina YablonsykaDmitro MalakovOleksandr Abramov
The armaments race is accelerating.
Arms spending in the world has reached a record level.
About two trillion dollars were spent on weapons in the world last year, which was the highest figure in 30 years.
This film that avoids rhetoric, but warns of the dangers of fueling World War III.
At 2005 we began our work on a film about the children of the World War II.
At 2014 Russia launched a hybrid war against Ukraine.
The sad uniqueness of Ukraine is that it has witnesses of two generations who survived the experience of war in childhood.
War through the eyes of the children.
O Lord, does our land need letters that people write and write with their blood?
Old people say that killed children become angels.
But people choose not to listen to the whispers of angels,
and number of angels becomes even greater.
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