Format Film
Category Full-length
Production company Іstmen FіlmsUA Production
Distributor FILM.UA DistributionKinomania
Directors Axtem Seitablaev
Screenwriter Yaroslav YarishSerhii KastornykhAnatolіy Kocyurba
Director of photography (DOP) Yurіy Koroly
Production Designer Shevket Seydametov
Composers Useіn Bekіrov
Sound Directors Bohdan HubsykiyArtem KosinsykiyVolodimir Tretyakov
Film editor Serhіy Klepach
Сostume designer Nadіya Kudryavceva
Makeup artists Marіya Petrovsyka (II)
Second Director Anastasіya Atamanchuk
Operator Timofіy AvramchukKirilo Shlyamіn
Producer Axtem SeitablaevDmitro MalіchevMarіya Donchik
Executive Producers Valerіya Tkachuk
Line Producers Volodymyr Buhay
Leading actors Andrіy SamіnіnMaksym DevizorovEvhenii LamakhSerhіy FrolovAndrіy MostrenkoAlex TritenkoPavlo LiMaria ShtofaZoya VlasenkoLorena KolіbabchukRoman YasinovskyiІhor DimovVіktor Ghdanov
Supporting Actors Bohdan ZhdanovMarіya HolovacykaLarissa RusnakOleksandr BehmaOleksandr KrighanіvsykiyVitaliy KrapivaYevgen ChernykovYaroslav BezkorovaynyiOleh StefanV'yacheslav VietkovsykiyVіtalіy BielysykiyYevhen PolyakovRoman KorghukOleksandr KravchenkoV'yacheslav ShershunAnatolіy KocyurbaAnton ZubchenkoYurіy FrehanVolodimir ZadnіprovsykiyVolodymyr BuhayVitalii HordiienkoSerhii HrytsaienkoRuslan PidhoretskyiAndrii OmelchenkoSerhii KrysanSofiia DerepkoSerhii Dmitiiev
Casting Managers Agatha Larionova
Creation year 2023
Country Ukraine
Premiere in Ukraine 22 february 2023
Rental in Ukraine with 22 february 2023
Budget ₴ 31 250 000
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 4 034 767
Spectators in cinemas 29580
The story of trust and its absence against the background of events unfolding in Eastern Ukraine in early 2014. The main topic is revealed through the prism of the Luhansk border base, whose fighters the separatists and Russian special services tried unsuccessfully force to betray their country.
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