Stars on the Earth

56 minutes - Ukraine - 2021

Status Completed

Format Film

Category Full-length documentary

Genre Documentary

Production company Dobranichfilm

Directors Snizhana Gusarevych

Screenwriter Snizhana Gusarevych

Director of photography (DOP) Tetyana Dudnіk

Composers Serhіy Sidorenko

Sound Directors Dmitro Skripka

Film editor Anna Perepelicya

Animators Rodіon Shub

Producer Svitlana Rudiuk

Line Producers Іrina Palyarush

Creation year 2021

Country Ukraine

Language Ukrainian

Premiere in Ukraine 28 september 2021

“Stars on the Earth” is a film-observation of how 16 kids create their own fairy tale during a 15-day inclusive film and art workshop at the “Dzherelo” Rehabilitation Centre.

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