Believe me

Ukraine - 2018

Status Completed

Creation year 2018

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

World Premiere 10 september 2019

Premiere in Ukraine 23 september 2018

Inna Litvinenko with blue Mikita welcomes a small town Pavlovsk. Mykita disagreements - for the rest of the rock is still a quarter of a new place, and my mother does not explain, now the stench has been waiting for an entire hour. Protest, step-by-step life will improve: the stink of wine is the life of a pretty self-made woman Tai, she knows a robot at a small shop, and Mikita goes to school and sign up before the football section.

It is vipadkovo to know in the middle of the speeches of your tenant a passport, to the name of Aunt Kornova with a photograph of Inny. І behind the wondrous zbіgom, at the new newspapers Taya bash rant about those who say about Tetyana Kornva to whisper at the bells and whistles of the fall. Taya to ring for the nudity.

Through a few days to Pavlovsk priyzhdzhak Oleksiy, the programmer, who will turn to the place, de vin was born. Win know about Іnna, flush out to her unbar, and they can fix a lot of money.

I’m not sure that Oleksiy didn’t come to Pavlovsk, and she’s not the one she thinks she’s supposed to be. Oleksiy pratsyu on people, such as Inna, the axis is already 10 years old. From them and from the police, yak shukak її for the incursions at the office of banker Oleg Petrovsky ...

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