Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre Melodrama
Production company KiivtelefіlymSDF prodakshnStar Media
Directors Іhor Kopilov
Screenwriter Serhіy DzyubaArtemіy Kіrsanov
Director of photography (DOP) Stepan Kovalenko
Production Designer Yurіy Bahaiev
Composers Vіtalіy Mukanyaiev
Sound Directors Oleksіy AnanyievYurіy Scherbakov
Film editor Mihaylo Smirnov
Сostume designer Olena Zhdanova (II)
Makeup artists Katerina Blіnova
Second Director Anghelіka Ghdanova
Operator Mihaylo Klyuiev
Casting director Bella Ghdanova
Producer Valentin OpalievVladyslav Riashyn
Executive Producers Leonіd RezetdіnovVolodimir Shevelykov
Leading actors Іrina LіndtІhor ChernevichMaksim AverіnYulіya Tihonova
Supporting Actors Oleh AlmazovSerhіy ZamorievNellі PopovaNatalіya KruhlovaAnna KorolyovaLyudmila LedyaykіnaOleksandr UdalovKsenіya BrghezovsykaAnna LutcevaVadim RomanovHelyha FіlіppovaPavlo HukKaterina BlіnovaAnghelіka GhdanovaOlena VenecykaMark HavrilovYevhenіya HrachovaOleksіy YuhayAlyona ShakarіshvіlіІhor HolovіnHala SamoylovaOlena DronovaІhor KopilovVolodimir Stelymah
An old friend is worth two new ones - a truth tested by time. But you can't say that about love at all!
Talented St. Petersburg journalist Olga finally decided seven years later to formalize a relationship with her child's father, Sergei. Why such a wonder? Yes, because all the same seven years ago, her ex-boyfriend Denis literally ran away from the crown. And, as you know, once baked in milk, you will then blow on the water. Six-year-old daughter Masha is very happy with this decision of her parents. It would seem that everything is fine and everyone is satisfied. But before the wedding, Olga is sent on a business trip to Moscow, where she accidentally meets Denis. He tries to get his ex-girlfriend back. Olga resists with all her might.
Meanwhile, Sergei is actively preparing for the wedding, and Denis does not give up his attempts to return his beloved. And finally, he succeeds. He deceitfully lures Olga to himself, and she can not withstand the attack - the bastion falls: the daughter, the groom - do not care. Ahead - a new life, a new job, old love! All so, and not so. It does not work. And Denis's tender love - as if it never existed! Olga finds herself with nothing! But here the daughter Masha comes into play. She persuades Sergei to put on a suit and together they go to Moscow, break into the party and the "knight" calls Denis "to a duel." However, Olga convinces the groom that Denis "does not even deserve punishment."
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