Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2018, series 4, ~49-50 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 5.85%
Fraction 17.67%
Genre Melodrama
Production company FіlymstrіmVileton Films
Directors Boris Rabey
Screenwriter Yaroslava Siehal
Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Bordenyuk
Production Designer Larisa Ghilko
Composers andrii ponomarov
Sound Directors Ihor KazmirchukSerhіy MatvіienkoMarina Petrenko (III)
Film editor Іvan Barabanschikov
Сostume designer Hanna Krupnіcyka
Makeup artists Anna Timofeieva
Second Director Svіtlana Maksimenkova
Casting director Іrina Sultanova
Producer Vіtalіy SіrenkoYevhen LyaschenkoVіktorіya KorohodNataliia Strybuk
Executive Producers Іrina Franchuk
Leading actors Olyha HrishinaYevhen LavrentyievAnton DenisenkoTetyana GhuravlyovaV'yacheslav DovghenkoVladislav Onіschenko
Supporting Actors Chatterdghi PradyyumnaDarina PanasenkoMyroslava FilipovychFatіma HorbenkoKaterina StaryuchenkoRuslan NіkonenkoPavlo AldoshinMarіya SeverіlovaІlana ShevchenkoInna BelikovaAnatolіy ZіnovenkoMisha Bondarev-GaponІvan SerbіnOlena ShnipkoHanna LevchenkoTetyana VashnevsykaAndrіy GhurbaYesenіya PriymaІrina SultanovaYevhen Oliinyk (II)
Casting Managers Sabіna Bahlay
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 14 march 2019
Premiere in Ukraine 14 october 2018
Dasha Petrenko has an almost perfect marriage: beloved and loving husband Oleg, wealth, good work. Only children (Dasha has been trying in vain to get pregnant for several years) and ... passions are not enough for complete happiness. Dasha, whose life is measured and predictable, is a little jealous of her neighbor Nina Pasichnyk – and is desperately jealous of her handsome husband Valera and periodically arranges stormy scenes with the beating of dishes and screams at the whole entrance. And one day Petrenko and Pasichnykiv are thrown on the common landing ...
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