Braking distance

Ukraine, Russia - 2007

Status Completed

No trailer

Format TV series

Серій 4
Хронометраж 44 хвилин

Rating 0%

Fraction 0%

Genre Drama

Production company Studіya «Shans»Ukrainsyka medіyna hrupa

Directors Vyacheslav Kryshtofovych

Screenwriter Andrіy DmitrіievOlena Raysyka

Director of photography (DOP) Valerіy Anіsіmov

Production Designer Іrina Horshkova

Composers Yevhenіy Doha

Sound Directors Heorhіy Stremovsykiy

Film editor Eleonora SummovsykaHennadіy Aksyutenko

Makeup artists Olena Bohomolynikova

Second Director Svіtlana Osadcha

Operator Volodimir Leschenko

Casting director Marina Potapova

Producer Serhіy Ghihunov

Executive Producers Zulyfіya NurutdіnovaAndrіy Bіlous (II)Mykola Shevchenko

Leading actors Alla YuhanovaOleksandr SіrіnSvіtlana SuhovіyAlla PokrovsykaMikola ІvanovLeonіd HromovAnatolіy AdoskіnDmitro RatomsykiyOlyha Oleksіy

Supporting Actors Oleh MaslennіkovLyudmila ZahorsykaІhor VolkovYurіy YevsyukovOleh ZamyatіnValerіya ChaykovsykaSerhіy SipliviyOleksandr DanilychenkoOlena DudichHanna LevchenkoK. ChemodanovTamara YacenkoK. LisenkoVolodimir OsadchiyKateryna ShlyakhovaSvіtlana KnyazievaІnna MіroshnichenkoYurіy ShulyhanAnton HolykіnDmitro RibalevsykiyMaksim NіkіtіnV. ZbіnyakovDmitro SovaKostyantin DobrovolysykiyMaryna YurchakOleksandr KochubeyViacheslav VasyliukYosyp NaidukSvіtlana ZubchenkoD. ShulyakOlena FesunenkoAnna PalіychukSergiy Kravets (II)V. SuslіnaA. ShevcovM. UrnievaVolodimir BezsmertniyІ. OleynіchukMaksim KrivonosAndrіy KronhlevsykiyNatalіya RozkokohaAndrіy LelyuhOleksandra PopovaOleksandr HolubenkoOleksandr KobzarAnatolіy TihomirovNatalіya Hnіtіy

Creation year 2007

Country UkraineRussia

Language Russian

World Premiere 05 april 2008

Lucy drives at a red light and knocks Alexei down. As a result of this incident, Lucy is imprisoned, and Alexei, having recovered, comes to her in the area. The story takes a completely unexpected turn: the criminal and the victim fell in love with each other, despite the fact that Alexei has a lawful wife and even an adult son, and Lucy is waiting for the groom, a young and successful businessman Nikita ...

Movie shots

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