Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 2, рік 2018, series 8, ~52 minutes, TV channel Первый канал (Росія)
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre WarDramaHistorical
Production company Star Media
Directors Maksim Meheda
Screenwriter Vasily PopovDimitrіy LisenkoYevhen Horislavecy
Director of photography (DOP) Іllya Melіhov
Production Designer Maksim DimitrenkoOleksandr DanilenkoSerhіy Holubiev (II)
Composers Volodymyr Kripak
Sound Directors Oleksandr Celymer
Film editor Olyha Proshkіna
Сostume designer Valentina HorlanyKsenіya Mavrіna
Makeup artists Olyha Ahtarnіya
Second Director Dar'ya LukashenkoOleksandr Dulіn
Operator Serhіo Hrablov
Casting director Olena LyashkoNatalіya Vіhryan
Producer Artem DolleghalyVladyslav Riashyn
Line Producers Heorhіy Podoroghnikov
Leading actors Katerina KlimovaYevhen VolovenkoOleksandr Pankratov-ChorniyMaksim DrozdOleksіy ShutovSergey DengaStanіslav BoklanVіktorіya LitvinenkoAnatolіy Zіnovenko
Supporting Actors Lyudmila HnilovaOleksandr SrechkovichKaterina SolomatіnaOleh DobrovanPavlo StontAnton BohdanovOleksіy SekіrіnArtem BashenіnOleksandr MelynikSvіtlana ZelybetAndrіy MostrenkoSerhіy FrolovOleh MaslennіkovMark DrobotVolodimir HoryansykiyDmytro SaranskovOleh SavkіnSerhіy SipliviyVladislav MamchurOlesia ZhurakivskaBoris KnighenkoEva Shevchenko-HolovkoSerhіy KaplunovVolodimir BіlousovNatalіya KlenіnaOleksandr KrighanіvsykiyBoris HeorhіievsykiyVіtalіy ІvanchenkoNatalіya VasykoOleksandr ІhnatushaSerhіy RadchenkoYelizaveta Maysyka (Kurbanmagomedova)Andrіy ParhomenkoSerhіy SolodovValerіy LehіnYurіy DyakLev SomovAlex SugakAndrіy PavlenkoOleksandr DanilychenkoYana LyahovichV'yacheslav HіndіnVolodimir HladkiyVolodimir SkorikMykola DanyliukVolodimir TereschukStanіslav LiesnoyYurіy KulіnіchVyacheslav ShehovcovSerhіy DetyukPavlo AldoshinAlla SokolovaAkhmed EsmurziievYevhen BondarsykiyVolodimir KokotunovYaroslav HerusOles KatsionAndrii KlymenkovMarina May-KuklіnaStasya RovіnsykaVladislav PisarenkoMaksym RyzhevolVіtalіy AghnovDmitro TubolycevAntonina MakarchukSergey KudaPavlo TupіkovArtem MyausPetro NіkіtіnValerіy NeviedrovAnatolіy YaschenkoSofіya KotlyarovaDamіr SuhovMikita BalievYelizar NazarenkoYevhenіya SolodovnikVolodimir BelyaievVіktor GhdanovOleksandr RudynskyRenat SiettarovDmytro SoloviovOlyha RadіonovaOleksandr BodnarOleksandr RahulіnRoman TroicykiyDmitro KalіstratovAndrіy KochinovVіktor KonuhіnKostyantin SpіrkіnOlena VietrovaNatalіya VіhryanSerhіy BorosykiyV'yachelav HodosevichSerhіy KucherenkoOleksandr OsetrovVladislav HridasovVadim DolghenkoVіtalіy YushkoOleksandr TriznaVolodimir MezіnovDenis Yarmіn
Autumn 1942. Investigators from the military prosecutor's office Rokotov, Mirsky and Yelagin, who miraculously escaped from the Kyiv boiler, are arriving in Kharkiv, where the evacuation is already in full swing. They have important information about the activities of the German spy organization, which must be urgently transferred to the center. But an unexpected order from the leadership forces them to stay in Kharkiv. After all, together with the evacuated enterprises, under the guise of refugees, groups of German saboteurs are moving east, the purpose of which is sabotage and sabotage at military plants located in the Urals and Western Siberia. Trying to uncover channels for the spies to be sent to the Soviet rear, Rokotov of Yelagin learns that the organization operating in Kharkiv is directly linked to a Kyiv group they uncovered a few hours before the surrender of the city. And the curator of both of these groups holds a high position in the General Military Prosecutor's Office in Moscow.
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