Format Movie series
Category Full-length documentary
Genre DocumentaryРозважальний
Production company Fantastic ukrainians
Directors Maksym DeliergievDmitro KochnievDmitro AvdieievAndrіy Litvinenko (II)
Screenwriter Alіna Hiseva
Director of photography (DOP) Mykyta DanylinOleh Avіlov
Composers Volodimir SachenkoVladislav Tkach
Sound Directors Dmitro TeryohіnІllya Pіnchuk
Film editor Maryna DymshytsDmitro KochnievMaksym Smoliarchuk
Makeup artists Anastasіya Rudenko (II)Dіana Ohanesyan
Operator Oleh AvіlovTimofіy OrelSerhіy Hodchenko
Animators Roman Yakovliev (II)
Producer Katerina Karmalіta
Executive Producers Iryna SaurinaYevhenіy Sich
Creative Producers Dmitro AvdieievAlіna Hiseva
Line Producers Yevhenіy Sich
Photographer Roman Orel
Fantastic Ukrainians is a series of documentary films about contemporary Ukrainian art.
The heroes of the films are alyona alyona, The HARDKISS, ONUKA, DakhaBrakha, YUKO, Yuriy Gorbunov, Irma Vitovska, Irena Karpa, Oksana Zabuzhko, and more than 100 other artists, who are the embodiment of Ukrainian culture today.
Each episode of the cycle investigates the national art context, and the heroes tell about the creation of a modern art product.
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