Format TV series
Серій 16
Хронометраж 45 хвилин
TV channel 2+2
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Production company Sіsterz Prodakshn
Directors Oleksandr Salynikov
Screenwriter Іvan PolyakovSerhіy KorotunVіktor Semernіn
Director of photography (DOP) Maks Melnyk
Production Designer Іnha Ghitnya
Composers Serhіy Vusik
Film editor Katerina ZabulonsykaOleksandr Horbatyuk
Casting director Olena Shevchuk
Producer Yulіya KusherVіktorіya ZabulonsykaMarina PisarenkoTimur Mіndіch
Executive Producers Oleksandr Omelianov
Creative Producers Yurіy SichovІrina Ghihalyuk
Leading actors Mihaylo YevlanovDmitro YendalycevV'yacheslav HіndіnIhor SalimonovOleksandr DanilychenkoDaria PoluninaTetyana KonovalovaOlena Uzlyuk
Supporting Actors Oleksandr VasіnMaksim DanyshinKarina ShereverovaHanna MaksymivІhor RodaOleksіy SmolkaDmitro PolietaievKirilo HolodyukArtur VetkovsykiyVasily TrocyukValentina KorsunskaІhor TihomirovІvan VlasenkoOleksіy AkelaSerhіy KiyashkoSergii DzialykSergey VolyanovskyOleksandr YefimenkoYaroslav BezkorovaynyiMaksim ShramkoDmitro BulkotAlina ChornodubІhor TіtovDmitro VovchukOleksandr OmelianovVolodimir LohіnovAnna RudenkoOleksandr SviridovYevhen YefremovSerhіy KorshikovOleksandr PechenikOleksandr OnufrіievTimofіy KrinicykiySerhіy HavrilyukSerhіy PisarenkoArtem PoznyakOksana BorbatVolodimir RudenkoNadia HilskaRoman Boyko
Volodymyr is a 29-year-old ambitious young man, a former Interpol employee. After the end of the contract, he returns to his homeland, but does not plan to stay here long. His only goal is to get recommendations and return to his former position. But it is possible to get good recommendations only if you cooperate with investigator Yegor Bulatov. There have been legends about this inconvenient investigator for a long time. Due to almost 100% detection of crimes, it is rumored that he has special methods of work. Vladimir's main task is to collect compromising material on Bulatov. But everything went wrong.
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