Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre DramaHistorical
Production company AMA VISIONStewopol MS
Distributor KinomaniaFILM.UA Distribution
Directors Olesia Morhunets-Isaienko
Screenwriter Kseniia Zastavska
Director of photography (DOP) Eugene Kirey
Production Designer Vladlen Odudenko
Composers Hossein Mirzagholi
Sound Directors Andrіy Obod
Film editor Roman Sinchuk
Сostume designer Yana Nіkіtenko
Makeup artists Anna Timofeieva
Second Director Anastasіya Atamanchuk
Casting director Irma Tzareva
Producer Artem KoliubaievMaksim LeschenkoTaras Bosak
Leading actors Yana KorolyovaAndrіy MostrenkoPolіna HromovaAnastasіya MateshkoJoanna OpozdaMirosław HaniszewskiHristina UshicykaOksana MuhaAlla BіnieievaTomasz SobczakYevhenіya SolodovnikTetiana KrulikovskaDaryna HaladiukMilana Haladiuk
Supporting Actors Svіtlana ShtanykoJakob WalserYanіna RudensykaTimofіy DmitrіienkoAndrіy ІsaienkoVolodymyr AbazopuloAndrіy Maslov-LisichkіnIhor SalimonovVadym KurylkoVolodimir KravchukDenis TarasovAnastasіya AtamanchukOleksandr HannochenkoAmіna KolyubaievaErіka KolyubaievaMikita FadieievHalina KornieievaIryna LazerVіktor GhdanovArtem KoliubaievHanna BіrzulTaras BosakІhor ChuykoYevhen ChuykoYevhen ІvanovOleksandr ShapovalovAleksandr Polovets
Creation year 2021
Language UkrainianPolishRussianGermanEnglish
World Premiere 04 march 2022
Premiere in Ukraine 05 january 2023
Rental in Ukraine with 05 january 2023
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 10 884 386
Spectators in cinemas 86381
Immortalized as one of the most scintillating and uplifting Christmas songs, Carol of the Bells adapted from a popular and loved Ukrainian folk melody, came to represent the spirit of brotherhood and unity all over the world. The peaceful and neighbourly existence of three families, Polish, Ukrainian and Jewish, sharing a large house, musical evenings and merriment in the city of Stanislaviv is shattered. First in the Soviet occupation and the persecution of the Polish family, then, by the Nazi occupation of Ukraine, and the decimation of the Jewish family. Sacrificing their lives the Ukrainian family manage to save their neighbours' children and their own daughter. Death and loss come to these families, but the healing power and joy, and a promise that the Future Will Not be Cancelled which "Carol of the Bells' evokes will be everlasting.
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