Format TV series
Серій 4
Хронометраж 45 хвилин
TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Vileton FilmsFіlymstrіm
Directors Andrіy Sіlkіn
Screenwriter Marіya Roghdestvensyka
Director of photography (DOP) Vasiliy Sikachinsykiy
Production Designer Larisa GhilkoSerhіy Todosіienko
Composers andrii ponomarov
Sound Directors Ihor Kazmirchuk
Film editor Anton KononyukVіktor Pohorielov
Сostume designer Katerina Litvinova
Makeup artists Іlona Lehchilo
Casting director Oryna Petrova
Producer Yevhen LyaschenkoVіktorіya KorohodNataliia StrybukVіtalіy Sіrenko
Executive Producers Andrіy TanabashElla Boblenyuk
Leading actors Marіya MashkovaVіktor VasilyievHanna ІvanovaOleksandr PashkovSvіtlana StepankovsykaDmytro SaranskovYulіya MotrukPavlo Aldoshin
Supporting Actors V'yacheslav HіndіnJulia GapchukSerhіy SolopayYehor Berest (Samoylenko)Olena KorovkaVitia TatarchenkoOryna PetrovaOleksіy KarchevsykiyDar'ya ManhubіMaksim NazarovAndrіy TanabashKaterina KravchenkoValentina KorsunskaAndrіy SіlkіnOleksandr OnufrіievMaksim Starubinsykiy
Casting Managers Sabіna Bahlay
Creation year 2019
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 25 march 2020
Premiere in Ukraine 12 may 2019
Polina tries to cope with the dramas of life (her daughter fell into a coma, her husband betrayed her, the assistant cheated, she was fired) with the help of her new business - making ice cream with the taste of salted caramel.
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