
Ukraine - 2019

Status Completed

Format TV series

Number of seasons 2

Season 1, рік 2019, series 8, ~45 minutes, TV channel СТБ
Season 2, рік 2021, series 8, ~48 minutes, TV channel СТБ

Rating 0%

Fraction 0%

Genre DetectiveMelodrama

Production company Mamas Fіlym Prodakshn

Directors Taras Dudar

Screenwriter Oleksіy Frenkely

Director of photography (DOP) Oleksіy Cvіlodub

Production Designer Alexandr Teterin

Composers Іvan Zavhorodnіy

Sound Directors Arman Elybert

Film editor Michael Torgomyan

Сostume designer Svіtlana Dzyubenko

Makeup artists Олена Куліш (II)

Second Director Anastasiia Iamschykova

Casting director Svіtlana Horoshkova

Producer Katerina ShevelyukAlla LipovecykaMarina KvasovaLyudmila Semchuk

Executive Producers Tetyana Rieka

Creative Producers Alla Lipovecyka

Leading actors Oleksandra RebenokAnton BatirievІvan TamashevHanna KuzіnaOleksandr Rudko

Supporting Actors Serhіy SipliviyRoza HayrullіnaOleksandr KrighanіvsykiyOksana ArhanhelysykaLyudmila ZahorsykaVladislav NіkіtyukVladislav MamchurKostyantin OktyabrsykiyІhor TihomirovOleksіy NahrudniyStanіslav MoskvіnSerhіy RadchenkoSerhіy ChekeresBorys OrlovTimur IbraimovSvіtlana ShtanykoІhor PortyankoArtem PoznyakMykola BoklanVіktor GhdanovKaterina KachanNatalya TsyganenkoSerhіy PolyakovYevhen SіnchukovSerhіy UlashevІnna MіroshnichenkoOlyha RadchukSerhii KozlovAlla SokolovaPavlo ShevchukAlla Delіpovich-SurghikovaAleksey TitarenkoAnna HulyaievaVіktorіya KulіnichKristіna KorshikovaSerhіy KorshikovVyacheslav ShehovcovValerіya BoycovaOleksandr KomarenkoOleksandr BondarukOleksandr KukolenkoIgor SemetskiAnastasіya LisichnikSnejana SorokaAndrіy VoloshinKaterina MatsiboraValerіy StohnіyIryna BardakovaІrina VladimirovaDomіnіka MatvіienkoYevhen PashinVolodimir OsadchiyBogdan OleynikSerhіy AnashkіnValentin KasyyanAndriy PanasTetyana MedvedievaVolodimir IlyuschenkoIrakli MaruashvіlіOleksandr Hryhoriev (Aheienkov)

Casting Managers Tetyana Pavlyuk

Creation year 2019

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

Premiere in Ukraine 21 october 2019

Anna works at school. She is not just a teacher, but a very talented mathematician. One day, at a meeting with her classmates, Anna finds a murdered man. He was the boy she was once in love with. Without thinking about the consequences, Anna leaves her fingerprints on the crime weapon. She is behind bars. In addition, she is accused of a number of unsolved cases. But Anna is not going to put up with injustice and is ready to prove her innocence. She uses her logic and mathematical knowledge to calculate the real killer. Captain Vershinin helps her in this. What happened causes Anna to look at her life differently, to forget past insults and betrayal.

... | Season 2

Movie shots

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