Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2020, series 16, ~55 minutes, TV channel ICTV
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Production company Vіktorіya-Unіversal Prodakshn
Directors Mikola Kaptan
Screenwriter Vіktor PrihodykoOleksandr Hricenko
Director of photography (DOP) Kostyantin Chumakov
Production Designer Oleksandra Koryakіna-ZayarnaTetyana Kіlіyanu
Composers Pavlo KrahmalyovІhor Melynichuk
Sound Directors Dmitro HorpinichSerhii Kostiuchenko
Film editor Olyha Kaptan
Сostume designer Olena Kozhuhivska
Makeup artists Tetyana Markova (II)
Casting director Vіktorіya Melynichuk
Producer Vіktor PrihodykoArtem Prihodyko
Leading actors James TratasSerhіy NovicykiyOleh Іvanicya
Supporting Actors Іhor TіlytіkovVasily MazurRazmik ZadoyanOlesya OstrovsykaTetyana KonovalovaTamara AntropovaDenis FalyutaMihaylo GhonіnSerhіy DetyukEvelіna SakuroYelizaveta Maysyka (Kurbanmagomedova)Vladyslav PopkoVasily SivohopOleksandr PershinSergii DzialykAlіsa KlyushkіnaYulіya HershanіkLiubov TyshchenkoVadim AkіmkіnOlga LarinaDayana Kulbida
April Robert is an experienced metropolitan detective, a former special police officer who was sent to a small town to help colleagues catch an intruder. Popescu is his partner, a local police officer who has been working on a number of mysterious crimes for a long time, but without help he will not cope.
In the process, they become not only teammates, but also friends, despite the completely different nature and background.
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