Three days before love

Ukraine - 2018

Status Completed

Format TV series

Number of seasons 1

Season 1, рік 2018, series 16, ~45 minutes, TV channel 1+1

Rating 0%

Fraction 0%

Genre Melodrama

Production company 1+1 media

Directors Serhіy Scherbіn

Screenwriter Іrina Chernova

Director of photography (DOP) Anton Verbіn

Production Designer Volodimir Olyhov

Composers Serhіy Morozov (II)Lyudmila Morozova

Sound Directors Vladislav BelyaievVіtalіy Baydіn

Film editor Denis Honcharov

Сostume designer Olyha Koghina

Makeup artists Yanina Berezucyka

Operator Oleksіy Krupina Іvan BorodіnAnton Borzenkov

Casting director Іrina Sultanova

Producer Vіktorіya Liezіna-MaslyanaOlena VasilyievaOleksandr Tkachenko (III)

Executive Producers Volodimir AndrіyukKhrystyna Shkabar

Creative Producers Olena Yeremieieva

Line Producers Vladislav ZolotaryovOleksandr Muhіn

Leading actors Anastasіya KarpenkoAnton DenisenkoOleksandr KobzarDar'ya YehorkіnaYelizaveta Maysyka (Kurbanmagomedova)V'yacheslav DovghenkoAndrіy MostrenkoTamara MorozovaOleksandr HetmanskyiDaynіs HrubeOleksandr HannochenkoLarissa RusnakAlla MaslennіkovaYevhenіy Lebedin

Supporting Actors Stanіslav BghezinsykiyOleksіy CherevatenkoVladislav OnіschenkoMarіya ZaniborschAnatoly Fon-FіlandraNatalya TsyganenkoArsen BosenkoArtem MyausKatarina ShenfeldEva Shevchenko-HolovkoAnghelіka EshbaievaІrina SultanovaOlena ProvotarYana KlyuchnikMihaylo RumyancevMihaylo RomanovMihaylo MerzlіkіnYurіy PravіlovNіkіta VlasenkoMarіya YeremenkoAndrіy NovichenkoAndrіy YevseienkoSerhey LihteyLev KlimenkoOlena ShnipkoOleksandr BondarMihaylo SchehelysykiyYevheniia NechyporenkoRuslan NіkonenkoOleksandr KomendantovRoman SkobnіkovMarta MilenykaSerhіy LitvinV'yacheslav BielozorovPavlo ShevchukOleksandr ZarubeiSerhіy DarіyYurіy BіlikTetyana MіncevaІhor TіtovSlava BabenkovOleksandr Hryhoriev (Aheienkov)Tetiana Hraft

Casting Managers Lyubava SurhanovaOlena PartikaKrіstіna Kozirieva

Creation year 2018

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

Premiere in Ukraine 19 february 2018

The main character Dana Romanova had almost everything in her life – big successful business, friends, promising romance. Everything happened at the same time – the company was not in the best financial position, Dan's beloved decides that they are different people and together they should not be judged. The relatives hate the girl for the lightheadedness and stop financially supporting her. So everything went in one day.

At the same time, the young and ambitious businessman Pavel Soldatov, whose wife was threatened by creditors, also found himself on the verge of bankruptcy. And he was ready to give anything, even his business, to save his family.

These events helped them to meet by chance in Odessa and almost cross out their entire previous lives. Dana's loneliness and Paul's despair lead to an unusual agreement ... Dana offers to repay the debt in exchange for three days of his life to spend in company with each other: three days of business and friendly communication that Paul will spend with her in Odessa, three days mean nothing, and three days that will change everything ...

Movie shots

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